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Player Name: Ronald Player experience level: mentor Player play preference: rp-combat
User ID:37900
Country: United States
Timezone: GMT -5 (Eastern Time (US/Canada), Bogota, Lima, Quito)
Native language:english
English skills:good
Website: (none)
Motto: (none)





Foote Family
Home: Aegir
Fame: 30
Wealth: 2320
Character Age Sex Continent Realm Class Prestige Honour Titles
Semeli67 yearsmaleColoniesOuter TilogWarrior/Hero1943Noble
Eugene66 yearsmaleDwilightAvenorWarrior935Noble
Ethelbert67 yearsmaleDwilightAvenorWarrior2676Noble
Rowland58 yearsmaleDwilightD'HaraCourtier/Trader1242Noble
Amie35 yearsfemaleDwilight(rogue)Warrior726Noble

Commoner Claimants

Adventurers are not acknowledged family members. A noble should expect serious backlash for claiming a commoner relative and protest heavily any other noble claiming a common relation. You are encouraged to read further on Adventurer Roleplaying.

Character Age Sex Continent Realm Prestige Honour
Perceval54 yearsmaleBeluaterraIrondale69
Louis51 yearsmaleDwilightTol Goldora69

Retired Characters / Family Graveyard


History of this family:

(alternate views: full history, short history)
Date Character Name Event
2018-08-31 Eugene Began his career in Morek Empire.
2018-08-31 Eva Began her career in Obia'Syela.
2018-09-01 Johnson Began his career in Alara.
2018-09-30 Bernardus Began a life of adventure in Angmar.
2018-10-11 Bernardus Banned from Angmar.
Reason: Left his homelands while still a commoner.
2018-10-20 Bernardus Character buried
2018-10-28 Hubelet Began a life of adventure in Gothica.
2018-10-28 Seward Began a life of adventure in D'Hara.
2018-11-05 Seward Banned from D'Hara.
Reason: Left his homelands while still a commoner.
2018-12-06 Johnson Elected as General of Perdan
2018-12-12 Eugene Appointed as Judge of Morek Empire.
2018-12-30 Ethelbert Began his career in Avernus.
2018-12-31 Osmond Began his career in Ikalak.
2019-01-25 Johnson Character buried
2019-01-25 Igor Began his career in Alara.
2019-03-07 Osmond Character buried
2019-03-08 Horton Began his career in Sandalak.
2019-03-20 Eva Elected as Ruler of Obia'Syela
2019-05-09 Seward Banned from Luria Nova.
Reason: Left his homelands while still a commoner.
2019-05-15 William Began his career in Wetham.
2019-06-02 Seward Banned from Avernus.
Reason: Left his homelands while still a commoner.
2019-06-05 Horton Character buried
2019-07-22 Igor Appointed as General of Sydgard.
2019-07-26 Harambe Began his career in Taselak.
2019-09-08 William Character buried
2019-09-08 Semeli Began his career in Outer Tilog.
2019-09-30 Igor Appointed as General of Sydgard.
2019-10-29 Harambe Character buried
2019-11-02 Fechín Began his career in Taselak.
2019-11-07 Eva Character buried
2019-11-09 Dionysia Began her career in Angmar.
2019-11-16 Seward Killed while fighting Undead
2019-11-16 Seward Character buried
2019-11-20 Fechín Character retired
2019-11-28 Titus Began his career in Caligus.
2020-02-26 Cristoforus Began a life of adventure in Sol.
2020-03-14 Josiah Began a life of adventure in Shadowdale.
2020-05-06 Hubelet Character retired
2020-05-07 Guthrie Began a life of adventure in Irondale.
2020-05-10 Guthrie Character retired
2020-05-11 Josiah Banned from Shadowdale.
Reason: Left his homelands while still a commoner.
2020-06-05 Eugene Banned from Arnor by Clive Burep.
Reason: Nobles of Arnor,

This be a sad duty. Eugene Foote will be banned from Arnor due to his plotting and lying against the king, other nobles and to me. Why would a knight ask the inquisitor repeatedly for the location of the army. Why would he just not ask the marshal. Evidence has been presented of bribery and lying regarding plots against our Raven King. For the stated reasons Knight Foote is now banned from Arnor.

2020-06-09 Eugene Ban from Arnor lifted by Clive Burep.
2020-07-30 Justin Began his career in Obia'Syela.
2020-09-27 Clara Began her career in Sirion.
2020-09-27 Cristoforus Character retired
2020-09-28 Rowland Began his career in D'Hara.
2020-10-28 Josiah Character retired
2020-10-31 Perceval Began a life of adventure in Vordul Sanguinis.
2021-02-23 Dionysia Character retired
2021-02-23 Louis Began a life of adventure in Tol Goldora.
2021-05-10 Clara Character retired
2021-07-20 Perceval Banned from Reven.
Reason: Left his homelands while still a commoner.
2021-09-03 Perceval Ban from Reven lifted by Thúraya Montgomery.
2021-10-06 Justin Elected as Ruler of Obia'Syela
2021-10-29 Xavier Began his career in Taselak.
2021-12-06 Perceval Banned from Nothoi.
Reason: Left his homelands while still a commoner.
2022-03-12 Xavier Banned from Ikalak by Armitage IV D'Anglos.
Reason: Captured as a lowly saboteur
2022-04-28 Godwyn Began his career in Perdan.
2022-06-06 Semeli Elected as Banker of Outer Tilog
2022-06-06 Ethelbert Elected as Judge of Avenor
2022-11-26 Xavier Character buried
2022-11-26 Randal Began his career in Ikalak.
2023-01-31 Amie Began her career in Wicrose.
2024-11-26 Perceval Ban from Nothoi lifted by Calberian Arylon.