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Player Page

Player Name: Horst Horstmann Player experience level: experienced Player play preference: combat
User ID:21981
Country: Germany
Timezone: GMT +1 (CET - Paris, Berlin, Warsaw, Sarajevo (and BattleMaster))
Native language:german
English skills:good
Website: (none)
Motto: "Sapere Aude!"





von Lucker Family
"Sapere Aude!"
Home: Ossmat
Fame: 37
Wealth: 18180
Character Age Sex Continent Realm Class Prestige Honour Titles
Hannelore76 yearsfemaleEast ContinentCaligusWarrior55258Countess
Bronko III65 yearsmaleSouth IslandSandalakWarrior35193Margrave
Theodoric II53 yearsmaleBeluaterraAr AgyrWarrior26104Knight
Hercules72 yearsmaleColoniesHalcyonWarrior35200Viscount
Otto83 yearsmaleColonies(rogue)Warrior2161Noble
Oskar69 yearsmaleDwilightLuria NovaWarrior46451Margrave
Sergej Faehrlich122 yearsmaleDwilightAvenorWarrior/Hero46372Noble

Commoner Claimants

Adventurers are not acknowledged family members. A noble should expect serious backlash for claiming a commoner relative and protest heavily any other noble claiming a common relation. You are encouraged to read further on Adventurer Roleplaying.

Character Age Sex Continent Realm Prestige Honour
Lola85 yearsfemaleBeluaterraAr Agyr815
Ludmilla132 yearsfemaleColoniesHalcyon1527
Siren92 yearsfemaleDwilightAvenor1631

Retired Characters / Family Graveyard

Bronko II322019-11-052991
Dan Gaeros562016-07-2735210

Short History of this family:

(alternate views: full history, medium history)
Date Character Name Event
2007-05-08 Ingo Began his career in Cagilan Empire.
2007-05-21 Susanne Began her career in Itorunt.
2007-06-19 Heinerich Began his career in Ash Sea Islands.
2007-07-08 Valarion Began a life of adventure in Enweil.
2007-07-09 Valarion Character deleted
2007-07-10 Valarion Retired at age 20
2007-07-14 Ingo Killed as a hero in battle at age 26
2007-07-14 Ingo Character deleted
2007-07-15 Ingo Retired at age 26
2007-07-15 Grim Began his career in Cagilan Empire.
2010-07-22 Grim Retired at age 43
2010-07-22 Heinerich Retired at age 45
2010-07-22 Ingo Began a life of adventure in Perdan.
2010-07-22 Shabba Began a life of adventure in Coria.
2010-09-23 Ludmilla Began a life of adventure in Carelia.
2011-05-21 Ingo Began his career in Darka.
2011-08-12 Dan Gaeros Began his career in Ibladesh.
2011-08-23 Sergej Faehrlich Began his career in Darka.
2014-05-22 Bronko Began his career in Sandalak.
2014-07-24 Smollok Began his career in Ikalak.
2015-10-14 Smollok Killed as a hero in battle at age 27
2015-10-14 Smollok Character buried
2015-10-15 Babba Began his career in Taselak.
2015-11-11 Schmock Began a life of adventure in Ohnar West.
2015-11-11 Siren Began a life of adventure in Wetham.
2015-12-04 Emigrated to Dwilight. Siren
2015-12-05 Emigrated to Colonies. Ludmilla
2015-12-05 Emigrated to Beluaterra. Schmock
2015-12-11 Sergej Faehrlich Emigrated to Dwilight
2015-12-23 Vlad Began his career in The Electorate of Minas Thalion.
2016-03-09 Babba Died in a duel against Giscar Skin Taker.
2016-03-09 Babba Character buried
2016-06-16 Bronko Killed as a hero in battle at age 32
2016-06-16 Bronko Character buried
2016-06-17 Bronko II Began his career in Sandalak.
2016-07-27 Dan Gaeros Killed as a hero in battle at age 56
2016-07-27 Dan Gaeros Character buried
2016-07-25 Bronko II Shared the glorious moment of Holy Sandalak of the Wyvern and Griffin's victory during the Fifth War Island
2016-08-13 Vlad Killed as a hero in battle at age 22
2016-08-14 Vlad Character buried
2016-08-15 Otto Began his career in The Electorate of Minas Thalion.
2016-08-27 Ingo Killed as a hero in battle at age 59
2016-08-28 Ingo Character buried
2016-08-29 Theodoric Began his career in Gotland.
2016-10-26 Schmock Killed by the undead
2016-10-26 Schmock Character buried
2016-10-28 Lola Began a life of adventure in Thalmarkin.
2017-08-28 Susanne Killed as a hero in battle at age 97
2017-08-30 Susanne Character buried
2017-08-30 Hannelore Began her career in Perdan.
2018-03-18 Hercules Began his career in Halcyon.
2018-08-12 Oskar Began his career in Luria Nova.
2017-04-06 Bronko II Shared the glorious moment of Taselak's victory during War Island VI
2019-11-05 Bronko II Character buried
2019-11-06 Bronko III Began his career in Sandalak.
2020-06-15 Theodoric Killed as a hero in battle at age 50
2020-06-15 Theodoric Character buried
2020-06-15 Theodoric II Began his career in Irondale.
2021-07-25 Bronko III Shared the glorious moment of Taselak Undivided's victory during War Island VII
2021-10-24 Ingo Killed while fighting Undead
2021-10-24 Ingo Character buried