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Player Name: Märt Reose Player experience level: experienced Player play preference: combat
(originally registered as "M")
User ID:17401
Country: Estonia
Timezone: GMT +2 (E Europe, E Central Africa, Athens, Cairo, Jerusalem)
Native language:(other)
English skills:average
Website: (none)
Motto: (none)





De La Fere Family
Home: Mines of Isadril
(East Continent)
Fame: 44
Wealth: 21480
Character Age Sex Continent Realm Class Prestige Honour Titles
Niall77 yearsmaleEast ContinentPerleoneWarrior/Hero35159Noble
Eero74 yearsmaleSouth IslandSandalakWarrior28156Noble
Tristan89 yearsmaleBeluaterraIrondaleWarrior/Cavalier39325Noble
Helga70 yearsfemaleColoniesPortionWarrior2350Noble
Nigel137 yearsmaleColoniesAssassinsWarrior3019Noble
Raoul162 yearsmaleDwilightTol GoldoraWarrior/Cavalier64804Noble

Commoner Claimants

Adventurers are not acknowledged family members. A noble should expect serious backlash for claiming a commoner relative and protest heavily any other noble claiming a common relation. You are encouraged to read further on Adventurer Roleplaying.

Character Age Sex Continent Realm Prestige Honour
Adalric104 yearsmaleBeluaterra(rogue)47
Alastair110 yearsmaleBeluaterraIrondale2141
George74 yearsmaleBeluaterraIrondale1322

Retired Characters / Family Graveyard

Richard II912018-05-3030103
Kernax Voldorius202014-04-2411
Maloq Kartho202014-04-2411
Jean II222009-05-21??
Jean II352009-03-08??

Detailed History of this family:

(alternate views: medium history, short history)
Date Character Name Event
2006-07-14 Raoul Began his career in Minas Ithil.
2006-07-16 Louis Began his career in Caligus.
2006-07-23 Jean Began his career in Ikalak.
2006-10-12 Jean Immigrated to Beluaterra.
2006-10-12 Louis Appointed as Baron of Scio.
2006-10-13 Jean Joined realm Avalon.
2006-10-13 Jean Joined realm Avalon.
2006-12-15 Henry Began his a life of adventure in .
2006-12-31 Jean Died in a duel against Henry.
2006-12-31 Henry Character deleted
2006-12-31 Jean Character deleted
2007-01-01 Jean Retired at age 20
2007-01-01 Henry Retired at age 20
2007-01-01 Jean II Began his career in Toren.
2007-01-02 Cato Began a life of adventure in Nighthelm.
2007-05-04 Jean II Appointed as Count of Lesthem.
2007-05-14 Jean II Appointed as Count of Lesthem.
2007-05-26 Jean II Appointed as Count of Lesthem.
2007-06-05 Jean II Appointed as Count of Lesthem.
2007-07-05 Constance Began her career in Lasanar.
2007-07-06 Constance Joined the realm of
2007-07-06 Constance Joined the realm of
2007-07-07 Constance Joined the realm of
2007-07-09 Constance Joined the realm of
2007-07-09 Constance Joined the realm of
2007-07-11 Constance Joined the realm of
2007-07-13 Constance Joined the realm of
2007-07-15 Constance Joined the realm of
2007-07-17 Constance Joined the realm of
2007-07-23 Constance Joined the realm of
2007-07-23 Jean II Appointed as Count of Lesthem.
2007-07-25 Constance Joined the realm of
2007-07-25 Raoul Appointed as Count of Cantervern.
2007-07-29 Constance Joined the realm of
2007-07-30 Constance Joined the realm of
2007-08-24 Raoul Appointed as General of Minas Ithil
2007-08-24 Louis Appointed as Count of Mulhouse.
2007-09-02 Cato Immigrated to South-West.
2007-09-03 Cato Joined the realm of Sandalak
2007-09-05 Jean II Stepped down from local lordship position.
2007-09-09 Jean II Joined the realm of Taselak
2007-10-16 Cato Appointed as Baron of Cave of Guilt.
2007-12-05 Louis Joined the realm of Light of Fountain
2007-12-09 Cato Stepped down from local lordship position.
2007-12-18 Cato Immigrated to East Continent.
2007-12-20 Cato Joined the realm of Caligus
2007-12-30 Jean II Joined the realm of Ikalak
2007-12-31 Jean II Deported to Beluaterra by Freda Windwalker, Grand Justiciar of Ikalak, Marshal of the Equites Cervix.
2008-01-01 Louis Elected as general in Light of Fountain.
2008-01-01 Jean II Joined the realm of Republic of Fwuvoghor
2008-01-02 Cato Banned from Caligus by Cartor.
Reason: For insulting our King and several other nobles, for only being able to bring disorder, chaos and murder to this realm, for breaking the Code of Nobility, for your tireless efforts to create such a truly disgu
2008-01-03 Cato Proclaimed himself a rogue
2008-01-04 Cato Joined the realm of Fontan
2008-01-17 Constance Immigrated to Atamara.
2008-01-18 Constance Joined the realm of Minas Ithil
2008-01-19 Cato Immigrated to Dwilight.
2008-01-20 Cato Joined the realm of Springdale
2008-01-20 Louis Joined the realm of Fontan
2008-02-04 Cato Appointed as Duke of Nifelhold.
2008-02-13 Raoul Stepped down as General.
2008-02-29 Cato Stepped down from local lordship position.
2008-03-01 Cato Appointed as Duke of Muspelheim.
2008-03-17 Jean II Elected as judge in Republic of Fwuvoghor.
2008-04-01 Jean II Elected as judge in Republic of Fwuvoghor.
2008-04-03 Constance Immigrated to Beluaterra.
2008-04-04 Constance Joined the realm of Sint Colony
2008-04-08 Louis Banned from Old Rancagua by High Guard.
Reason: Captured as a lowly saboteur
2008-05-05 Louis Banned from Sirion by Alexander.
Reason: Captured as a lowly saboteur
2008-05-07 Jean II Joined the realm of
2008-05-07 Jean II Elected as judge in Republic of Fwuvoghor.
2008-06-14 Constance Appointed as Viscountess of Zisswii.
2008-06-21 Constance Joined the realm of (rogue)
2008-06-21 Constance Joined the realm of Valhus
2008-06-27 Raoul Appointed as Earl of Cantervern.
2008-06-30 Raoul Elected as ruler in Minas Ithil.
2008-07-16 Louis Banned from Perdan by Evangeline.
Reason: Captured as a lowly saboteur
2008-07-17 Louis Ban from Perdan lifted by Evangeline.
2008-07-19 Louis Joined the realm of Sultanate of Asena
2008-07-24 Constance Appointed as Viscountess of Xhahgus.
2008-08-01 Louis Joined the realm of Perdan
2008-08-02 Constance Joined the realm of Fronen
2008-08-04 Constance Joined the realm of Valhus
2008-08-12 Louis Banned from Fontan by Moira.
Reason: Captured as a lowly saboteur
2008-08-16 Constance Banned from Valhus by Valhalla.
Reason: You are not wanted here. Leave - you are more trouble than your pathetic life is worth.
2008-08-17 Constance Joined the realm of (rogue)
2008-08-17 Constance Became a rogue
2008-08-17 Constance Joined the realm of Avalon
2008-08-27 Raoul Appointed as General of Minas Ithil
2008-08-30 Raoul Stepped down as General.
2008-08-31 Constance Immigrated to East Continent.
2008-09-01 Louis Joined the realm of Westmoor
2008-09-01 Constance Joined the realm of Sultanate of Asena
2008-10-01 Jean II Elected as judge in Republic of Fwuvoghor.
2008-10-01 Jean II Appointed as Senator of Orombo.
2008-10-07 Cato Founded the guild "Guardians of Humanity".
2008-10-13 Jean II Elected as judge in Republic of Fwuvoghor.
2008-10-29 Jean II Stepped down from local lordship position.
2008-10-30 Jean II Appointed as Senator of Fwuvoghor.
2008-10-30 Jean II Stepped down as Judge.
2008-11-11 Constance Joined the realm of Perdan
2008-11-15 Constance Joined the realm of Caligus
2008-11-22 Cato Seceded from the realm and founded his own.
2008-11-27 Cato Constructed a magnificent palace.
2009-02-18 Raoul Stepped down from rulership.
2009-03-05 Cato Appointed as Duke of Muspelheim.
2009-03-07 Cato Elected as Ruler in Virovene.
2009-03-07 Jean II Character deleted
2009-03-07 Constance Character deleted
2009-03-08 Constance Retired at age 30
2009-03-08 Jean II Retired at age 35
2009-03-08 Jean II Began a life of adventure in Melhed.
2009-03-18 Louis Joined the realm of Ibladesh
2009-03-20 Cato Character deleted
2009-03-21 Cato Retired at age 37
2009-05-20 Jean II Character deleted
2009-05-21 Jean II Retired at age 22
2009-05-21 Richard II Began his career in Virovene.
2009-05-22 Richard II Joined the realm of (rogue)
2009-05-25 Louis Banned from Itorunt by Ryndhal.
Reason: Captured as a lowly saboteur
2009-05-26 Richard II Joined the realm of Morek
2009-06-11 Richard II Stepped down from local lordship position.
2009-06-11 Louis Ban from Itorunt lifted by Ryndhal.
2009-06-11 Louis Joined the realm of Itorunt
2009-06-24 Richard II Joined the realm of Niselur
2009-07-23 Louis Banned from Ibladesh by Barzelli.
Reason: Captured as a lowly saboteur
2009-08-03 Louis Deported to Beluaterra by Barzelli Sarracenia, Acolyte of Ibladesh, Baron of Ar Raqqah, Marshal of the Emissaries of Tersea.
2009-08-05 Louis Joined the realm of Hetland
2009-08-18 Raoul Appointed as Duke of Leohampton.
2009-08-20 Louis Banned from Enweil by Igor.
Reason: Captured as a lowly saboteur
2009-08-23 Richard II Immigrated to Atamara.
2009-08-25 Richard II Joined the realm of Minas Ithil
2009-09-05 Richard II Appointed as Earl of Cantervern by a family member.
2009-09-05 Richard II Founded the religion "Legionarism".
2009-09-20 Louis Ban from Enweil lifted by Igor.
2009-10-20 Louis Joined the realm of Riombara
2009-10-29 Louis Banned from Enweil by Igor.
Reason: Captured as a lowly saboteur
2009-11-14 Louis Deported to Colonies by Igor zepplins, Chief Justice of Enweil, Duke of Fengen.
2009-11-17 Louis Joined the realm of Oritolon
2009-12-01 Louis Immigrated to Beluaterra.
2009-12-03 Louis Joined the realm of Riombara
2009-12-05 Raoul Elected as judge in Minas Ithil.
2009-12-17 Louis Banned from Enweil by Igor.
Reason: Captured as a lowly saboteur
2010-01-10 Louis Executed by Igor.
2010-01-10 Louis Character deleted
2010-01-11 Louis Retired at age 46
2010-01-11 Gregory Began his career in Aquilegia.
2010-02-05 Nigel Began his career in Ibladesh.
2010-02-19 Nigel Immigrated to Beluaterra.
2010-02-20 Nigel Joined the realm of Riombara
2010-02-25 Gregory Appointed as Viscount of Turbul.
2010-03-19 Nigel Elected as Viscount of Mio Dupaki
2010-03-22 Raoul Stepped down as Judge.
2010-04-03 Richard II Stepped down from local lordship position.
2010-04-22 Gregory Stepped down from local lordship position.
2010-04-29 Gregory Joined the realm of Libero Empire
2010-05-12 Richard II Stepped down from local lordship position.
2010-05-19 Gregory Character retired
2010-05-20 Gregory Retired at age 20
2010-06-29 Richard II Joined the realm of Hammarsett
2010-06-30 Richard II Joined the realm of Minas Ithil
2010-07-27 Nigel Joined the realm of Meridian Republic
2010-09-23 Carter Began his career in Giask.
2010-09-27 Fernand Began his career in Arcachon.
2010-09-28 Nigel Appointed as Baron of Wilwau.
2010-11-14 Nigel Elected as Baron of Wilwau
2010-11-16 Fabian Began a life of adventure in Eston.
2010-11-20 Fabian Joined the realm of Barony of Makar
2010-11-20 Fabian Banned from Eston.
Reason: Left his homelands while still a commoner.
2010-12-11 Carter Joined the realm of Pian en Luries
2010-12-24 Fabian Joined the realm of Minas Ithil
2010-12-24 Fabian Banned from Barony of Makar.
Reason: Left his homelands while still a commoner.
2010-12-25 Nigel Appointed as Duke of Fwuvoghor.
2011-01-18 Nigel Appointed as Banker of Meridian Republic.
2011-01-18 Nigel Appointed as Banker of Meridian Republic
2011-01-19 Fernand Immigrated to Beluaterra.
2011-01-20 Fernand Joined the realm of Meridian Republic
2011-01-25 Nigel Appointed as Judge of Meridian Republic.
2011-01-25 Nigel Appointed as Judge of Meridian Republic
2011-01-31 Fernand Joined the realm of Riombara
2011-02-02 Nigel Appointed as Senator of Fwuvoghor.
2011-02-04 Nigel Appointed as Judge of Meridian Republic.
2011-02-04 Nigel Appointed as Judge of Meridian Republic
2011-02-14 Nigel Stepped down from local lordship position.
2011-02-14 Nigel Joined the realm of Riombara
2011-03-16 Fernand Elected as Viscount of Ardmore
2011-03-31 Carter Appointed as Judge of Pian en Luries.
2011-03-31 Carter Appointed as Judge of Pian en Luries
2011-04-04 Carter Appointed as Judge of Pian en Luries.
2011-04-04 Carter Appointed as Judge of Pian en Luries
2011-08-01 Richard II Elected as Judge in Minas Ithil.
2011-08-13 Fernand Banned from Enweil by Alex.
Reason: Captured as a lowly saboteur
2011-08-16 Fernand Elected as Viscount of Ardmore
2011-09-10 Fernand Executed by Alex.
2011-09-10 Fernand Character retired
2011-09-10 Carter Appointed as Count of Dantooine.
2011-09-11 Fernand Retired at age 24
2011-10-22 Richard II Joined the realm of Hammarsett
2012-02-19 Raoul Appointed as Duke of Leohampton.
2012-02-29 Carter Joined the realm of Pian en Luries.
2012-03-10 Carter Died in a duel against Ramiel.
2012-03-10 Carter Character retired
2012-03-10 Carl Began a life of adventure in Riombara.
2012-03-11 Carter Retired at age 29
2012-08-29 Nigel Elected as Viscount of Mio Dupaki
2012-09-11 Raoul Seceded from Minas Ithil and founded Minas Leon.
2012-09-11 Raoul Banned from Minas Ithil.
Reason: Seceded from the realm as Duke of Leohampton
2012-09-13 Fabian Character died
2012-09-14 Fabian Died at age 34
2012-09-19 Richard II Banned from Minas Leon by Drizztle Sharpspeare.
Reason: For the good of the people, I must do this...Traitors to your realm, the realm that kept you and bled for you. Begone and never return
2012-09-20 Richard II Joined the realm of (rogue)
2012-09-20 Richard II Became a rogue
2012-09-20 Richard II Ban from Minas Leon lifted by Acquinas.
2012-09-21 Richard II Appointed as Judge of Minas Leon.
2012-09-21 Richard II Appointed as Judge of Minas Leon
2012-11-04 Richard II Appointed as Judge of Minas Leon.
2012-11-04 Richard II Appointed as Judge of Minas Leon
2012-11-24 Nigel Immigrated to East Continent.
2012-11-25 Nigel Joined the realm of Perdan
2013-01-07 Raoul Constructed a magnificent palace.
2013-02-13 Carl Immigrated to East Continent.
2013-02-15 Carl Joined the realm of Perdan
2013-03-22 Nigel Banned from Nivemus by Nick.
Reason: Captured as a lowly saboteur
2013-05-18 Carl Appointed as Count of Woolton.
2013-07-10 Nigel Banned from Caligus by Jameson.
Reason: Captured as a lowly saboteur
2013-07-29 Richard II Appointed as Judge of Minas Leon.
2013-07-29 Richard II Appointed as Judge of Minas Leon
2013-08-24 Richard II Appointed as Judge of Minas Leon.
2013-08-24 Richard II Appointed as Judge of Minas Leon
2013-08-28 Nigel Appointed as Margrave of Al Arab.
2013-10-10 Nigel Seceded from Perdan and founded Perleone.
2013-10-10 Nigel Banned from Perdan.
Reason: Seceded from the realm as Duke of Al Arab
2013-10-11 Nigel Stepped down from local lordship position.
2013-11-18 Richard II Appointed as Judge of Minas Leon.
2013-11-18 Richard II Appointed as Judge of Minas Leon
2013-11-18 Carl Appointed as Baron of Scio.
2013-11-19 Nigel Ban from Perdan lifted by MieKarra.
2013-12-01 Richard II Appointed as Judge of Minas Leon.
2013-12-01 Richard II Appointed as Judge of Minas Leon
2013-12-13 Carl Appointed as Baron of Scio.
2014-01-28 Carl Appointed as Baron of Scio.
2014-02-10 Raoul Constructed a magnificent palace.
2014-03-31 Maloq Kartho Began a life of adventure in Caergoth.
2014-03-31 Kernax Voldorius Began a life of adventure in Tara.
2014-04-02 Adalric Began a life of adventure in Old Grehk.
2014-04-02 Alastair Began a life of adventure in Riombara.
2014-04-03 Carl Appointed as Baron of Scio.
2014-04-24 Maloq Kartho Character died
2014-04-24 Kernax Voldorius Character died
2014-05-19 Nigel Stepped down from rulership.
2014-05-20 Nigel Joined the realm of Perdan.
2014-05-22 Ralf Began his career in Ikalak.
2014-06-11 Carl Appointed as Baron of Scio.
2014-06-14 Ralf Appointed as Viscount of Triewa.
2014-06-28 Nigel Elected as Ruler of Perdan
2014-07-03 Nigel Deported to Colonies by Lady Sandra Jimenez, Legados of Nivemus, Baroness of Obando.
2014-07-05 Carl Banned from Eponllyn by Jeroen Ardorson.
Reason: Captured as a lowly saboteur
2014-07-06 Nigel Joined the realm of Lukon
2014-07-07 Carl Banned from Sirion by Celine.
Reason: Captured as a lowly saboteur
2014-07-20 Richard II Appointed as Earl of Beleriel.
2014-08-03 Carl Immigrated to Colonies.
2014-08-06 Carl Joined the realm of Portion
2014-08-10 Carl Banned from Oritolon by Thorbjorn.
Reason: Captured as a lowly saboteur
2014-08-14 Carl Joined the realm of Assassins.
2014-11-02 Raoul Forced to step down as ruler due to massive protests.
2014-11-02 Richard II Stepped down from local lordship position.
2014-11-02 Richard II Joined the realm of Minas Leon.
2014-11-05 Raoul Initiated a rebellion in Minas Leon.
2014-11-05 Richard II Appointed as Earl of Winham.
2014-11-07 Raoul Led a successful rebellion and took rulership in Minas Leon.
2014-11-07 Richard II Appointed as Judge of Minas Leon.
2014-11-07 Richard II Appointed as Judge of Minas Leon
2014-11-08 Raoul Appointed as Margrave of Leohampton.
2014-11-30 Nigel Joined the realm of Assassins.
2014-12-10 Ralf Appointed as Viscount of Triewa.
2015-01-08 Carl Banned from Outer Tilog by Revis.
Reason: Captured as a lowly saboteur
2015-02-02 Carl Executed by Robert.
2015-02-03 Carl Character retired
2015-03-16 Nigel Banned from Wetham by Robert.
Reason: Captured as a lowly saboteur
2015-03-25 Nigel Immigrated to East Continent.
2015-03-27 Nigel Joined the realm of Nivemus
2015-03-29 Nigel Joined the realm of Sirion.
2015-07-14 Raoul Elected as Ruler of Minas Leon
2015-07-14 Richard II Appointed as Judge of Minas Leon.
2015-09-14 Richard II Stepped down from local lordship position.
2015-09-14 Richard II Appointed as Earl of Menedor.
2015-09-27 Nigel Banned from Sirion by Sophia.
Reason: Captured as a lowly saboteur
2015-10-31 Tristan Began his career in Caelum.
2015-11-01 Nigel Immigrated to Dwilight.
2015-11-03 Nigel Joined the realm of Luria Nova
2015-12-07 Richard II Stepped down from local lordship position.
2015-12-11 Richard II Emigrated to Beluaterra
2015-12-12 Raoul Appointed as Banker of Minas Leon.
2015-12-12 Raoul Appointed as Judge of Minas Leon.
2015-12-12 Raoul Appointed as General of Minas Leon.
2015-12-22 Richard II Appointed as Baron of Eg Tutnu.
2015-12-22 Raoul Emigrated to Dwilight
2018-02-24 Alexandre Began a life of adventure in Vix Tiramora.
2018-02-25 Nigel Joined the realm of Sol.
2018-02-25 Niall Began his career in Perleone.
2018-03-11 Alastair Banned from (rogue).
Reason: Left his homelands while still a commoner.
2018-03-11 Alastair Joined the realm of Obia'Syela.
2018-03-13 Radulf Began his career in Aren.
2018-03-13 Richard II Appointed as Viscount of Ofengail.
2018-03-19 George Began a life of adventure in Fronen.
2018-03-19 Frank Began a life of adventure in Avernus.
2018-04-06 Niall Elected as Ruler of Perleone
2018-04-17 Richard II Stepped down from local lordship position.
2018-04-19 Richard II Joined the realm of Fronen.
2018-05-05 Nigel Elected as Margrave of Unterstrom
2018-05-30 Richard II Killed as a hero in battle at age 91
2018-05-30 Richard II Character buried
2018-05-30 Tristan Joined the realm of Angmar.
2018-06-01 Tristan Appointed as Baron of Watersdown.
2018-06-02 Niall Constructed a magnificent palace.
2018-06-09 Frank Killed by the undead
2018-06-13 Frank Character buried
2018-06-26 Tristan Appointed as Baron of Watersdown.
2018-06-28 Cassie Began a life of adventure in Westgard.
2018-07-27 George Banned from (rogue).
Reason: Left his homelands while still a commoner.
2018-07-27 George Joined the realm of Angmar.
2018-08-05 Alexandre Executed by Justiciar Bruce Cruscavas.
2018-08-07 Alexandre Character buried
2018-08-24 Ragnvald Began a life of adventure in Perdan.
2018-09-01 Radulf Character buried
2018-09-07 Nigel Appointed as Duke of Unterland.
2018-09-20 Radulf Began his career in Portion.
2018-09-20 Radulf Character buried
2018-09-23 Helga Began her career in Portion.
2018-10-06 Nigel Elected as Judge of Sol
2018-10-13 Tristan Appointed as Baron of Watersdown.
2018-11-15 Nigel Appointed as Margrave of Golden Farrow.
2018-11-15 Nigel Appointed as Duke of Golden Farrow.
2018-11-29 Cassie Banned from Westgard.
Reason: Left her homelands while still a commoner.
2018-11-29 Cassie Joined the realm of Morek Empire.
2018-12-07 Niall Elected as Ruler of Perleone
2018-12-21 Ragnvald Banned from Perdan.
Reason: Left his homelands while still a commoner.
2018-12-21 Ragnvald Joined the realm of Eponllyn.
2018-12-30 Eero Began his career in Taselak.
2019-01-11 Eero Appointed as Count of Lesthem.
2019-01-18 Niall Stepped down from rulership.
2019-01-22 Nigel Appointed as Duke of Golden Farrow.
2019-02-17 Niall Appointed as Duke of Al Arab.
2019-02-18 George Executed by Judge Athena Leather.
2019-02-20 Nigel Banned from Westgard by Alyssa Fontaine.
Reason: Captured as a lowly saboteur
2019-03-11 Nigel Appointed as Duke of Golden Farrow.
2019-03-24 Cassie Killed while fighting Undead
2019-03-30 Eero Appointed as Margrave of Kerfort.
2019-04-04 Cassie Character buried
2019-06-25 Nigel Appointed as Duke of Golden Farrow.
2019-10-27 Nigel Appointed as Duke of Golden Farrow.
2019-11-08 Tristan Appointed as Baron of Watersdown.
2019-11-13 Niall Died in a duel against Leuthrich.
2019-12-03 Nigel Appointed as Duke of Golden Farrow.
2019-12-18 Ragnvald Appointed as Count of Morshes.
2019-12-22 Ragnvald Died in a duel against Alexander.
2019-12-23 Ragnvald Character buried
2019-12-29 Nigel Deported to Colonies by High Arbiter Alyssa Fontaine.
2020-01-02 Nigel Started a new career in Assassins
2020-07-05 Nigel Banned from Gothica by Edwin Burep.
Reason: Captured as a lowly saboteur
2020-09-05 Niall Elected as Baron of Oc Lu Pesh
2020-09-20 Nigel Banned from Halcyon by Isidro de Zueww.
Reason: Captured as a lowly saboteur
2020-09-22 Raoul Joined the realm of Avernus.
2020-10-10 Tristan Appointed as Earl of Baqua.
2020-10-21 Niall Abdicated from local lordship position.
2020-10-26 Alastair Banned from Obia'Syela.
Reason: Left his homelands while still a commoner.
2020-10-26 Alastair Joined the realm of Irondale.
2020-10-31 Niall Elected as Viscount of Mines of Isadril
2020-11-23 Raoul Appointed as Viscount of Bbandasdor.
2020-12-23 Nigel Appointed as Count of Krunari.
2021-01-04 Tristan Abdicated from local lordship position.
2021-01-19 Nigel Appointed as Count of Krunari.
2021-02-09 Raoul Abdicated from local lordship position.
2021-02-20 Raoul Joined the realm of Tol Goldora.
2021-07-25 Eero Shared the glorious moment of Taselak Undivided's victory during War Island VII