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D'Hara, duchy of Raviel
Local Lord:
Antoon Finch Player experience level: experienced Player play preference: rp-combat
23068 / 24114
Land Area:
326 sq. miles
Realm Loyalty:
1226 gold
15 bushels
Weather Area:
South Mediterranean
D'Hara Luria Nova Swordfell Westgard Avenor Tol Goldora Zuma Coalition Artificers' Coalition Geographic Details Regions Realms
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Region Details


The city of Chesney is a bustling inland trade hub of Maroccidental D’Hara, and a cultural center for Maroccidens bridging the old Terran domains and the new Dragon Islander influence.

The city itself is build of great timbers cut from Marwood to the west, has food supplied from all around, as well as stone cut from quarries in the hills of Saffalore. Chesney acts as a beacon of D’Haran enlightenment in the continent under the wise governance of Duke Ismail Tandaros, whose purple kraken banners can be seen hanging from every keep, tower, and gatehouse. Many religions are present, though Sanguis Astroism is the undisputed chief of them, and large estates have been established. Chesney also has guild halls devoted to the Southern League and Veinsormoot, bringing the Fissoan, Barcan, Phantarian and Farronite traders along with scholars, artists, and authors.

Chesney has many classes of people. Upper Chesney is home to many Ravielan immigrants, clustered tightly around the Ducal Citadel. The gates are tightly guarded but the Duke is known to grant audiences to anyone who asks. A large monied class has held influence since the days of Terran, a wise worldly and pragmatic merchantry that believes in the virtues of republicanism. Upper Chesney is also home to the local Southern League Hall.  With such a noble sentiment among the burghers added to the Tandaros governance, there is a regal presence in the city.

Gutherlane is the main thoroughfare of the city, with a large market, a banking house, and a number of artisans' shops. At its terminus is the Veinsormoot hall, a guild for Maroccidental cooperation. Gutherlane also has many weavers, potters, and printmakers, making a modest living on Astroist illuminations.

February 8, 2014 by Ismail

Statues and Monuments

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