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Golden Farrow

Golden Farrow
D'Hara, duchy of Golden Farrow
Local Lord:
Zayfrax Plaraveen Player experience level: new Player play preference: combat
66695 / 66700
Land Area:
533 sq. miles
Realm Loyalty:
Manufacturing, Trade, Administration, Fishing, Stoneworks
3086 gold
95 bushels
Weather Area:
North Mediterranean
Golden Farrow
D'Hara Luria Nova Swordfell Westgard Avenor Tol Goldora Zuma Coalition Artificers' Coalition Geographic Details Regions Realms
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Region Details


Taking it's name from a mythic peasant's tale, to bring forth young, Golden Farrow sprawls across the seaside as a major manufacturing and trade hub for Western Dwilight.

While many do not remember the mythical origins, many now attribute the city's name to it's lavish décor of golden towers that glimmer against the sea and sun. A mixture of old and new architecture, reflecting Golden Farrow's long history, is intertwined with hope and danger. Many monuments and statues are adorned in it's streets. Whether they are triumphal arches, monuments to wars won by great generals of the past, rulers depicting their likeliness forever more or depictions of faith long forgotten, they are expressions of art and skill. While it's portfolio is grand, none can rival the Golden Citadel, a Fortress restored over many seasons to stand defiant against those who assail her from land or sea. Encircled by the townland of Farrowfield, the city is a key fortification in holding the Golden Reach.

For it's people, many come to Golden Farrow seeking a second chance in Western Dwilight, an unexplored continent ripe for adventure. It's perfectly situated geography became an ideal centre of trade between Eidulb and Port Raviel. When a ship arrives at Golden Farrow, they are greeted with an immense shipyard, affectionately named the Golden Port. The mixture of cultures between the shimmering golden delights reflects on it's people whom come from all over Dwilight to trade in some of the largest marketplaces known to humankind. The bazars and guildhalls all serve their own purpose, for whatever you are looking for, you can find it in Golden Farrow. 

December 3, 2021 by Solomon

Statues and Monuments

Statue to Solomon Greybrook in Golden Talon

Portrayed in a frivolous pose, this golden statue is dedicated to Navarch Solomon Greybrook after they moved the capital of The Oligarchy of Tol Goldora from Via to Golden Farrow.

erected by Art Studio of Golden Farrow

Statue to Lucius Navaar in Bone Claw

A silver statue depicting Autarch Lucius Navaar of Autarchy of Tol Goldora in a regal pose. Given as a gift after the construction of a new palace.

erected by Art Studio of Golden Farrow

Statue to The Army of Taselak in Dark Claw

A Marble Statue of the Hammer of Taselak's soldiers to commemorate the victory of Taselak over War Island VII on July 25, 2021 by Champion Scein Dubhaine, Mithril Sword of Justice Armitage IV D'Anglos, Silver Hammer of War Amadis Camlann, and Hidden Hand of the Emerald Harp Lucius Pemrose.

Monument to Golden Farrow Accords in Golden Talon

A Triumphal Arch celebrating the signing of the Golden Farrow Accords, bringing peace to Dwilight, honouring those who died defending the people of Golden Farrow against their foes.

erected by Royal Solomon Greybrook of Autarchy of Tol Goldora

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