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Westgard, duchy of Everguard
Local Lord:
Gheric Arylon Player experience level: mentor Player play preference: rp
44864 / 44895
Land Area:
688 sq. miles
Realm Loyalty:
Manufacturing, Trade, Administration, Fishing, Stoneworks
2159 gold
172 bushels
Weather Area:
North Mediterranean
D'Hara Luria Nova Swordfell Westgard Avenor Tol Goldora Zuma Coalition Artificers' Coalition Geographic Details Regions Realms
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Region Details



The City of Eidulb is a prosperous trade city located on the North Western shores of the great central Sea of Dwilight. The city is connected by trade routes to the cities of Libidizedd and Golden Farrow. From there the trade routes branch out and lead to several other cities through highly profitable trade routes.

Geography of the City

The City of Eidulb is located in a natural harbor of the Dwilight Sea. The shore line is a natural sheer wall of rock. The height of this walls is only about 20 feet at the most which creates a natural dock for the city. As you come upon the city you can see the great Mountain Range to the west of the city it peaks visible all along the western horizon of the city.

The Ducal Palace of Eidulb

Sit upon a outcropping of the natural Sea wall of Eidulb. It has three towers that elevate above the skyline of the city. Each one has a marking upon it that coincides with the Three Stars of Sanguis Astroism. The one for Asutere being the tallest tower of the palace. And the location of the Dukes Quarters and personal Offices.

The Temple of Sanguis Astroism

The first temple of an organized religion on the Western Side of the Island was constructed by Duke Aram Stien, and dedicated to the faith of Sanguis Astroism. It was also Blessed by the Prophet himself on the opening day and there was also a festival and a Knighting ceremony of the Knight of Eidulb the very same evening. The temple is located next to the Ducal palace of Eidulb. It, is also placed on the Natural harbor wall of Eidulb Over looking the sea to the east and the Mountains in the west. The temple is constructed as most temples of Sanguis Astroism, with three tall towers. Each tower is dedicated to the following of one of the three Blood Stars. Just as in the Temple of Libidizeed, One of the most remarkable features of the temple is the large, three-paned stained glass ceiling of the main hall. The three panes depict a stylized map of the island of Dwilight. The windows are aligned such that the Blood Stars shine through the window to indicate the current phase of the Stars. At midnight on the day of each Star's ascension, it shines brightly through the city of Libidizedd in the central pane.

September 17, 2020 by Gheric

Statues and Monuments

Statue to Murat Kalkandelen in Eidulb Commercial District

A Bronze Statue of Murat Kalkandelen thrusting a spear into a griffin, a symbol of Helyg Derwyddon, was erected to commemorate Murat's extraordinary performance during the Astro-Helygian war. The names of three enemies he defeated are carved on a bronze plaque by his feet.

Anita Wykeo, Saevitia Ironsun, Jaequellon Kyzer

erected by Strategos Sir Kihalin Lapallanch from Astrum

Monument to The Ruined Palace of the Vasilif in Eidulb Commercial District

The Ruined Palace of the Vasilifs is a well preserved palace complex which was once a home of several Vasilifs. Most Vasilifs of Astrum spent their time in this palace until Vasilif Sergio had to abandon the city due to the Great Monster Invasion. The palace complex looks quite desolate with only a few large buildings scattered across the site but most visitors can still see the glimpse of the old Astrumite architecture.

erected by Strategos Sir Kihalin Lapallanch from Astrum

Monument to Fisc Arylon, High King of Everguard in The Royal Palace of Westgard

In memory of Fisc Arylon, High King of Everguard and father of High King Gheric Arylon of Westgard. This monument stands in recognition of the original settlement of the city of Eidulb by the Everguardians under the direction of their High King. It was Fisc's vision that civilized this great city, making possible all of the rich and profound history that took place afterward. May the name of Fisc, and that of his kingdom, never fade from the annals of Dwilight.

erected by High King Gheric Arylon of Kingdom of Westgard

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