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Westgard, duchy of Gelene
Local Lord:
Sparticus II Bathgate Player experience level: experienced Player play preference: combat
64734 / 64746
Land Area:
663 sq. miles
Realm Loyalty:
Manufacturing, Trade, Administration, Farming, Hunting, Stoneworks
3092 gold
10 bushels
Weather Area:
North Shore
D'Hara Luria Nova Swordfell Westgard Avenor Tol Goldora Zuma Coalition Artificers' Coalition Geographic Details Regions Realms
(pan and zoom map by scroll or touch)

Region Details


Gelene is a gleaming city. White towers stand boldly above mighty walls, making it an imposing feature in the landscape. At night, fires lit in huge braziers atop those towers shine out, cutting through the darkness, to be visible from a great distance.

The wealth of the city comes from crafting and trade. The city's workshops and forges, found in the western quarter of Gelene, are noisy with the ring of hammer strikes and the sawing of wood from first light to dusk and beyond. The stench of tanning vats, where all manner of leather goods are made, carries on the wind. The city's dye pits, where cloth is tinted to make striking garments to set the city's noble ranks apart from the ragged masses, are a riot of colour in an often drab world. Most of these products can be found for sale in the nearby merchant quarter, where the city's market and the bulk of the shops are located. The merchant quarter is also home to the bakeries and Gelene's famous pie makers.

The northern quarter of the city is home to the major and minor nobility. Gelene is perhaps unusual in the value its nobility places on education. Wise men and women make good livings, going from house to house, teaching children of the nobility mathematics, history, writing and reading (often scorned by nobility elsewhere as being only worthy of scribes). While combat masters instruct them in swordplay, riding, and command. 

The southern quarter - safely distanced from the noble homes of the northern - houses the peasant masses of the city. The less said about this stinking and overcrowded part of the city, the better. Narrow streets are filled with tall and unstable looking hovels, so closely packed that residents on one side of a street can lean out of their windows and shake hands with residents on the other side. Sanitation is appalling. The risk of fire a constant danger. Nevertheless, the peasant quarter is home to most of the city's population.

July 29, 2016 by Rosalind

Statues and Monuments

Statue to Griffin in Gelene Estate

An Iron Statue of a Griffin to commemorate the victory of Sandalak over the Fifth War Island on July 25, 2016 by Pythia Jane Fletcher Chamberlain, Wyvern Warlord Isenthorpe Tezokian, Griffin Ghost Enkimahru Dragoness, and Lord Raven Alexei Dolohov.

Statue to Gheric Arylon in Gelene Estate

Portrayed in a dignified pose, this golden statue is dedicated to Archon Gheric Arylon after they moved the capital of Kingdom of Westgard from Eidulb to Gelene.

erected by Art Studio of Gelene

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