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Tol Goldora, duchy of Sepulcrum Nifeli
Local Lord:
Morwenna Duskfarer Player experience level: experienced Player play preference: rp
15872 / 15900
Land Area:
1419 sq. miles
Realm Loyalty:
819 gold
159 bushels
Weather Area:
North Mediterranean
D'Hara Luria Nova Swordfell Westgard Avenor Tol Goldora Zuma Coalition Artificers' Coalition Geographic Details Regions Realms
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Region Details


The riverside region of Muspel is a center of commerce. During peak seasons, merchants crowd the roads, hawking their wares on their way to Muspelheim. A traveler can hardly compete with the caravans moving raw materials from the mountains, food and goods from neighboring regions, and soldiers heading out to the front lines or returning to refit. Muspel has two points where major trade hubs sprung up to accommodate the transport of goods through the north and out to sea.

The Black River is just as busy, lined with countless wharves and docks, as boats carrying passengers, fish, and goods crowd the region. Nestled up along the river and the border of Mt Black Nastrond is the town Blackwatch. Originally it was intended to watch the weather patterns from the stormy north and spot hostile forces from the mountains. A smugglers' route runs from the village and through a series of waterways in the mountains known as the Storm Front, connecting up to Storm's Keep and the ocean beyond. Outside of the town is The Torg a market where all manner of goods with unquestioned origins pass. Even the people of Muspelheim wait their turn for goods passing through here as gold in hand always speaks first.

Muspel does have its own crops. Olives and grapes fill the arable land, and many minor nobles flock to the region for local bathhouses with exclusive wines and oil treatments for their skin. A local specialty is a red wine with fresh slices of fruit in it.

The old bureaucratic center acts as a series of monuments to history. A crest above the entry reads: "Et Fillio: Brother to all who are virtuous," from the days of an old duke. In the courtyard is a commanding bronze statue of a former Marquis, with a plaque reading "In service to the Stars, all happiness resides." A third plaque was later set with another simple message. It simply reads: "Sta sterkt mot motgang." Stand strong against adversity.

January 29, 2022 by Lucius

Statues and Monuments

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