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Westgard, duchy of Cobalt
Local Lord:
Vincenzo Falconi Player experience level: experienced Player play preference: rp-combat
28159 / 37732
Land Area:
426 sq. miles
Realm Loyalty:
1905 gold
124 bushels
Weather Area:
North Mediterranean
D'Hara Luria Nova Swordfell Westgard Avenor Tol Goldora Zuma Coalition Artificers' Coalition Geographic Details Regions Realms
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Region Details


Libidizedd is a prosperous trading city located on an island at the northern end of the great central sea of Dwilight.  It has a warm pleasant climate.  Due to it's central position on the trading routes, the city is a hotbed of intrigue, with domestic and foreign spies, diplomats and assassins all vying for advantage.

The people are a garrulous, olive skinned race, who pride themselves as inheritors of the high culture of earlier civilizations. They feel superior to peoples of less sophistication. Although religion features prominently in public life, they have a liberal culture given to debating, philosophy, local democracy, poetry and play writing. They also have a strong martial culture in defense of their city. Fitness and martial skills are encouraged in the young. There is a tradition of settling matters of honor through duels.

The city is located on the northern shore of the island, and has a natural harbor opening into the Cobalt Gulf. The western shore of the harbor is a tall, sheer cliff, while the eastern shore has gentle sloping cliffs leading to sandy beaches. Several piers extend into the harbor to provide mooring. The city is well protected in all directions by strong walls and towers. The harbor being guarded by a heavy chain that can be raised to seal the entrance and by towers bearing artillery to ward of any enemy fleet. To the south of the city walls lie farming estates producing wheat, olives, grapes, lemons, oranges and dairy produce.

Trade is the lifeblood of the city. Many commoners work in sea or trade related professions, but there is also an industry to service the pilgrims who flock to the city, while other workers tend the farming estates or quarry the cliffs for white limestone.

March 12, 2023 by Vincenzo

Statues and Monuments

Monument to The Seven Founders of Astrum in Governor's Palace

A Grand Memorial built to commemorate the Seven Founding Nobles of the Holy Theocracy of Astrum, the First Theocracy to rise in the Western Dwilight. Aram Stien, Alexandria Dwarvenite, Brance Indirik, Boreal Arakiss, Justin Greystone, Marrick Montrez, and Sergio Mozzoni.

erected by Strategos Kihalin Lapallanch from Astrum

Statue to Kihalin Lapallanch in Governor's Palace

A Golden Statue of Kihalin Lapallanch pointing his sword toward the city of Darfix on his old horse to commemorate all those who fought under him during the Great Western War where Astrum fought Niselur, Aslyon and Farronite Republic.

erected by Strategos Kihalin Lapallanch from Astrum

Statue to Katrina Dragul in Star of the Sea Temple

A life sized statue with white marble for Katrina's face as it looked in her younger days and red for robe clad body. She sits legs crossed arms on her knees facing Westward as though meditating upon the Blood Stars. An inscription reads "Light Katrina, the last of the old church, the first of the new, the blessings of the Blood Stars are with her, always".

erected by Knight Turin Erickson from Theocracy of Astrum

Statue to Scein Dubhaine in The Arena

A Golden Statue of Champion Scein Dubhaine to commemorate the victory of Taselak over War Island VII on July 25, 2021 by Champion Scein Dubhaine, Mithril Sword of Justice Armitage IV D'Anglos, Silver Hammer of War Amadis Camlann, and Hidden Hand of the Emerald Harp Lucius Pemrose.

Monument to The Liberation of Libidizedd by Westgard in Star of the Sea Temple

A Grand Memorial built in 2023 to commemorate the Eight Nobles of Westgard who Liberated Libidizedd City from the Monsters and Undead infesting it, and brought it under the protection of Westgard. The Monument shows High King Gheric Arylon storming through the gates of Libidizedd, trampling on the bodies of the inhuman foe, flanked by his faithful knights :- Duke Sparticus II Bathgate, Lord Vincenzo Falconi, Lord Aelius Rousselor, Lord Hengist deLacy, Dame Iulia Baceolus, Sir Arceo Pandorium and Dame Sonya Jimenez.


erected by Governor Vincenzo Falconi of Kingdom of Westgard

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