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Luria Nova, duchy of Poryagotz
Local Lord:
Theodore Laurentius Munro Player experience level: seeking-mentor Player play preference: rp-combat
15471 / 15500
Land Area:
3556 sq. miles
Realm Loyalty:
456 gold
657 bushels
Weather Area:
East Pastureland
D'Hara Luria Nova Swordfell Westgard Avenor Tol Goldora Zuma Coalition Artificers' Coalition Geographic Details Regions Realms
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Region Details


The name of the region is derived from the Danuine & Tataouine tribes, the people who first settled the land.

The rolling hills of Dantooine stretch from the foothills of the South Divide mountains to the sea. Numerous farms dot the fertile land, kept green by the many streams and rivers that flow from the South Divide mountains and rains from the ocean. In the south-east part of the region is a small set of hills and mountains.

In the north, many people graze cattle while the south in contrast is mostly farmland with the occasional private orchard.
The eastern coast lands are dotted by small fishing villages where people brave the sea. The dominating feature of the coastline is the white cliffs where the corresponding sea earns it's name.
Finally, in the west where it is warmer and drier vineyards have been planted and provide fine wines.

To the south-east, on the low cliffs just north of Dantooine's small mountainous region stands Sea Cliff Keep estate. The old tall stone watch-tower that was built into the walls, can be seen for miles while the newly built Sea Cliff Keep, is distinctive for the unique grey stone from which it was made.

In the far west among the foothills of the South Divides rests a small fortified keep romantically named Castle Dantoo. Arguably the oldest fortification in the region, the Castle has seen multiple battles and sieges over it's lifetime. Built from the stone from the Divides, on a clear day, you would be able to see the peaks of the mountains that cast a shadow over the area. Within the Divide's shadow, the surrounding land is extremely fertile.

In northern inland Dantooine, overlooking a small river, the Manor House administrates Danturn Town. One of the larger urban settlements in Dantooine, tradesmen and other artisans gather here to exchange goods and services. The Manor also owns numerous farms in the region that produce staple foods.

August 10, 2018 by Solomon

Statues and Monuments

Statue to Kenneth Gotz in Temple of Lux Nova

Behold the embodiment of grace and generosity, the statue honoring Kenneth Gotz. Standing tall, his stature reflects not only in height but in the towering impact of his kindness. With features that mirror warmth and resilience, Kenneth is immortalized here as a paragon of beauty and benevolence, a testament to a life dedicated to spreading joy and goodness. This monument stands as a tribute to his remarkable charm, towering both in physical presence and the indelible mark he left on hearts.

erected by Earl Kenneth Gotz of Ascendancy of Eternal Luria Nova

Monument to Kenneth Gotz in Temple of Lux Nova

The grand monument dedicated to Kenneth Gotz stands prominently in the heart of Luria Nova. Kenneth, a towering figure at the center, is depicted larger than life, radiating an aura of regal presence. His chiseled features and commanding gaze reflect a beauty that transcends mere physicality, embodying the essence of leadership.

Surrounded by other esteemed nobles like Wassgandr Felsenbach and Durk Spartan, Kenneth's central position symbolizes his paramount importance to the Realm of Luria Nova. The monument serves as a testament to his significant contributions, casting him as a key figure in the history and prosperity of the realm.

erected by Earl Kenneth Gotz of Ascendancy of Eternal Luria Nova

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