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Avenor, duchy of Storm's Landing
3476 / 9200
Land Area:
4078 sq. miles
Realm Loyalty:
Farming, Fishing, Manufacturing, Hunting, Administration, Trade, Stoneworks
261 gold
417 bushels
Weather Area:
North Shore
D'Hara Luria Nova Swordfell Westgard Avenor Tol Goldora Zuma Coalition Artificers' Coalition Geographic Details Regions Realms
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Region Details


Once a part of the "Hunting Grounds" of Niselur, and more recently an agricultural and fishing haven,  Jorradith has been reclaimed by the twisted monsters of old.

The slow, rolling hills and broad grasslands of Jorradith give stark contrast to the cliffs along her shore which give way in only a few places to the remains of small fishing communities that once brought in the bulk of Jorradith's primary fish export: cod. Much of inland Jorradith is covered by razed farmland, once devoted to staple produce of grains such as corn and wheat or vegetables like carrots and cabbage.

The ruins of Caer Dallben sits on a hill overlooking the vast expanse of farmland; the manor walls are crumbling and covered in ash.  Further afield is a wasted and charred vineyard below the east face of the hill which once produced grapes for fine wine, but now plays host to monsters. Just south of the vineyard are the crumbled remains of a small temple of Sanguis Astroism, long-since disused by the populace and picked clean by the monsters.

Jorradith once boasted the finest light infantry in Niselur, and the region's drillmasters prided themselves on their ability to swiftly convert farmers and fishermen into an effective fighting force.  Heir to the infantry tradition of Niselur, Jorradith's own Edreun were equipped with short spears and shields, drawing their swords only after closing with the enemy.  The North Shore Auxiliary was drawn primarily from the fisherman along Jorradith's northern shore; wielding the spear and net, their true strength came once the disciplined battle-lines broke down into general melee.

All that is gone now, swallowed up by a throng of monsters.

March 4, 2014 by Taran

Statues and Monuments

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