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Halcyon, duchy of Oritolon Superior
Local Lord:
Caravanthian Arylon Player experience level: mentor Player play preference: rp
20499 / 30000
Land Area:
4356 sq. miles
Realm Loyalty:
Manufacturing, Trade, Administration, Fishing, Farming, Logging, Hunting, Stoneworks
1771 gold
314 bushels
Weather Area:
South Desert
Outer Tilog Assassins Portion Halcyon Undead Dominion Helheim Blackdawn Covenant Geographic Details Regions Realms
(pan and zoom map by scroll or touch)

Region Details


No other city of The Colonies can rival the spectacular beauty and sheer size of Oritolon.

The centre of the city is notable for it's airy squares and open space where merchants ply their wares. The daily business of the city is largely conducted al-fresco, in huge open-air halls consisting of pillars crafted from white Snaketooth marble and topped with roofs of Grentzen red oak. It's wide roads and huge squares are all paved with cobblestones crafted from black Windaria granite.

The docks of Oritolon are a hive of activity with ships of every size loading and unloading throughout the day and night. They ring to the voices of a hundred nations as fortunes are made and lost on the turn of the tide and tales are told and old scores settled in the raucous inns and taverns.

Oritolon Stronghold, the seat of Oritolon's government and military, is a towering edifice built from the finest Snaketooth marble and silver Iglavik slate. It's walls contain libraries, barracks, meeting halls, markets and all the trappings of a city-within-a-city. It is said that half of Sovonoval's harvest passes through its kitchens.

From the northern city gates, three forty-foot square banners made of the finest silks from Askatep fly in honor of Oritolon's founding fathers 'Atlas' and 'Hrothgar', and 'Olorin Aroo', Oritolon's first Prime Minister.

March 27, 2013 by Actrial

Statues and Monuments

Statue to Wyvern in Great Sacrist Temple District

An Iron Statue of a Wyvern to commemorate the victory of Sandalak over the Fifth War Island on July 25, 2016 by Pythia Jane Fletcher Chamberlain, Wyvern Warlord Isenthorpe Tezokian, Griffin Ghost Enkimahru Dragoness, and Lord Raven Alexei Dolohov.

Monument to Monford Velaryon in Phoenix Palace

A tall, proud figure with noble brow and battlescarred face stands in armour over the approach to the Citadel proper. Bedecked with a Scarlet Cape, his iron sword stands at guard, and two banners fly behind him. The first is that of [[Velaryon Family|House Velaryon]], argent a sun or in full, per bend sinister azure; the second is the Phoenix of [[Sacris Incendium]] in holy panoply. At his feet a folded letter rests, showing a partial seal of a bird in flight.

erected by Governor Lady Sevima MacArbin of Sovereign Republic of Halcyon

Statue to Antonio Maxwell in Market District

Portrayed in a contemplative pose, this golden statue is dedicated to Consul Antonio Maxwell after they moved the capital of Sovereign Republic of Halcyon from Alebad to Oritolon.

erected by Art Studio of Oritolon

Statue to Scein Dubhaine in Government Sector

A Golden Statue of Champion Scein Dubhaine to commemorate the victory of Taselak over War Island VII on July 25, 2021 by Champion Scein Dubhaine, Mithril Sword of Justice Armitage IV D'Anglos, Silver Hammer of War Amadis Camlann, and Hidden Hand of the Emerald Harp Lucius Pemrose.

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