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Naan Forest

Naan Forest
198 / 2200
Land Area:
11255 sq. miles
Realm Loyalty:
Logging, Hunting, Farming, Manufacturing, Administration, Trade, Stoneworks
219 gold
49 bushels
Weather Area:
Naan Forest
Outer Tilog Assassins Portion Halcyon Undead Dominion Helheim Blackdawn Covenant Geographic Details Regions Realms
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Region Details


Naan "Forest" is a bit of a misnomer. Rather then being one solid area of woodlands, it is composed of smaller forested areas interspersed with cleared areas and meadows. Though the origin of the region's name is lost to history, the locals have made it into their private joke - it is indeed a Non-Forest.

However, many travelers and merchants have been misled by the humorous double meaning in the Forest's name. For all the apparent mirth in the name, there are plenty of dark tales to be told about Naan Forest. Some are dark and dire, some are haunting and bleak, while others are wildly fantastical... but all of them give unmistakabe warning: something is not right in those woods. The wise travelers stick to marked roads and the larger clearings.

Even in the height of summer, chill winds blow through the treetops as patches of mist cling to the undergrowth. Apart from the occasional game path, there is a large amount of low brush around the more heavily traveled areas... almost as if the forest was barricading itself from outsiders.
Inside the wooded areas lies a confusing tangle of footpaths, dry streambeds, and game trails. Many of the trees and rocks are marked with strange symbols and carvings, or snippets of text in forgotten languages. None of the typical bird calls or buzzing of insects can be heard within Naan Forest. Rather, there is an unnatural quiet, almost as if the silence was a tangible thing.

August 27, 2007 by Yukiko

Statues and Monuments

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