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515 / 6900
Land Area:
1453 sq. miles
Realm Loyalty:
Fishing, Trade, Farming, Administration, Hunting, Mining, Stoneworks
355 gold
68 bushels
Weather Area:
Central Lake
Nothoi Ar Agyr Shattered Vales Irondale Reven New Ar Agyr Exiled Trinity Geographic Details Regions Realms
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Region Details


Geography and Production:

Qrelg is a bustling town located by the Central Lake of the continent of Beluaterra. Situated between the cities of Wudenkin and Vur Hagin, Qrelg benefits from the large amounts of trade passing through it every day. Furthermore, with an abundance of fertile fields, Qrelg is a net exporter of grain and helps feed the other regions in Fronen. 

With its prosperous economy and ample fields, it is little wonder that the town of Qrelg is well protected by a Motte and Bailey. The Lord's estate is a grand stone mansion standing atop a little hill near the town centre, surrounded by acres of farmland and home to the main body of the region's administration. Locals and travellers come from all parts of Qrelg to plead their business, and to enjoy the generous amenities offered by the Lord.


For all its current prosperity, Qrelg has had a turbulent and dark past. Falling under the dominion of the Daimons during the Third and Fourth Invasion, it was reclaimed with difficulty by the realm of Fronen and rebuilt painstakingly by successive Lords, before Lord Rolf Carmel ascended to the Dukeship in Dyomoque, leaving Lord Antonio Vaughan to govern this region.

Local folklore:
Qrelgian ale is famous throughout Beluaterra, and is highly sought after in the mansions and palaces of Kings and Lords on this continent. Made from a centuries-old recipe and passed down from generation to generation, the unique method of fermenting barley and brewing the ale remains a closely-guarded secret in the breweries of Qrelg. The locals here are a lively, friendly bunch, and any travellers stopping by a tavern will be ensured of good hospitality, excellent food and fantastic ale.

January 22, 2012 by Antonio

Statues and Monuments

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