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4880 / 8500
Land Area:
4193 sq. miles
Realm Loyalty:
Farming, Hunting, Mining, Administration, Manufacturing, Trade, Stoneworks
405 gold
208 bushels
Weather Area:
Central Lake
Nothoi Ar Agyr Shattered Vales Irondale Reven New Ar Agyr Exiled Trinity Geographic Details Regions Realms
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Region Details


Xhahgus, where sheep wander and the sheperds’ pipes are heard in the hills.

This land was once a quiet and rustic place, seldom visited by strangers. The road to Vur Hagin passed by to the west, and placid plains spread below to the east. The highlands of Xhahgus were left to themselves and the folk could live in peace, when times were good; they needed few weapons and no ramparts.

Then came the flood, rushing in over the death wail of Vur Hagin, drowning the pitiable wretches of Enweil. Xhahgus is now the sole neck of land between Lake Salaman and the Ocean, joining the countryside of Wudenkin with Fronepu, and beyond it the heart of Ar Agyr and the old realm of Melhed. Now travelled roads pass through the land, and on the roads march soldiers to war; and soldiers are not always good guests. The men of Xhahgus are learning now the hardness of the spearshaft.

The castle of Blackvale was built to fortify the southwest. A broad valley lies in the bosom of five great hills, and in the midst a tall rock looms. The sides have been cut away to a sheer cliff all around, and on this the castle has been founded. Five towers climb up to the heavens, watchful eyes that miss nothing in the valley below. The Count lives here. In his strong walls he shelters the people in time of war.

Roccasecca guards the eastern road. Along the coast the hills cease and the land falls to a fertile tract, all that remains of the broad lands now underwater. A road comes up from the south and follows the coast. As it descends the lowlands of Xhahgus it passes under the shadow of a stony hill: they call it the Dry Rock. Carved into the side of that hill is the keep of Roccasecca. Caves, shafts, and mines worm their way back into the rock behind; iron is its face; bright are the eyes in its windows, burning with coal. None can traverse the road in secret.

All this so the shepherd may lead his sheep in peace. 

January 19, 2015 by Renaud

Statues and Monuments

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