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Nothoi, duchy of the Holy City
Local Lord:
Rosnan Sarwell Player experience level: experienced Player play preference: combat
38391 / 38400
Land Area:
1748 sq. miles
Realm Loyalty:
Manufacturing, Trade, Administration, Mining, Fishing, Farming, Hunting, Stoneworks
3048 gold
143 bushels
Weather Area:
South Plains
Nothoi Ar Agyr Shattered Vales Irondale Reven New Ar Agyr Exiled Trinity Geographic Details Regions Realms
(pan and zoom map by scroll or touch)

Region Details


Reeds is an urban labyrinth laid out as per some odd alchemical symbolism with what seem to be three distinct figures around three regions. Throughout the city violence and vice is common and it is said that as one nears the marketplace that one can find a vendor for anything one desires. There is an odd formality to the violence and crime, as if there were agreed upon rules with street duels being the accepted method of resolving disputes.

The Marketplace District's tangle of streets are constantly filled with vendors screaming out their wares, though any local will tell you that the market is not the true centre of this district, as that honour belongs to the Pit. In the Pit it is said everything has fought, from dogs to roosters to men, to goblins, and to darker things upon certain nights when it is said to be a private event. Everything which dies here is either thrown into the river or shipped eastward to the Arcaneum.

East and inland stands the Scholar's District, which lives up to it's name in having three sorts of residents, scholars, scribes, and whores. The duke's laboratory and the Arcaneum rest here, with the Arcaneum being part school, part foundry, and part temple. The locals claim that the maze of streets were designed to keep mindless beasts contained and that once an undead monster, clad in the fresh skins of a man, shambled forth and wandered for hours before it was captured. Some say it was never captured at all.

The Quicksilver Gate links the city to the bridges and southern traffic, and is technically the home of the nobility. Few spend time there, as there is little to do but drill troops through its broad streets and read regional reports but the tolls are not insignificant and there are a great many merchants and nobles here at any time waiting to be processed, leaving many to wonder just how long before the place in rife with rogues of all sorts.

February 11, 2011 by Solips

Statues and Monuments

Statue to Wyvern in Daishi's District

An Iron Statue of a Wyvern to commemorate the victory of Sandalak over the Fifth War Island on July 25, 2016 by Pythia Jane Fletcher Chamberlain, Wyvern Warlord Isenthorpe Tezokian, Griffin Ghost Enkimahru Dragoness, and Lord Raven Alexei Dolohov.

Monument to Minas Leon of Atamara The succes in Daishi's District

This monument is here to stand tall and proud in the name of the great De La Fere family originally from Cantervern of Minas Ithil and Minas Leon.

It reminds us that even the greatest disasters can be survived if your lineage is pure and noble while dating back to thousands of years.

erected by Knight Richard II De La Fere from Free State of Nothoi

Statue to The Army of Taselak in The Greenway

A Marble Statue of the Hammer of Taselak's soldiers to commemorate the victory of Taselak over War Island VII on July 25, 2021 by Champion Scein Dubhaine, Mithril Sword of Justice Armitage IV D'Anglos, Silver Hammer of War Amadis Camlann, and Hidden Hand of the Emerald Harp Lucius Pemrose.

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