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Irondale, duchy of Prisma Noctis
Local Lord:
Ryusho Oshu Fujiwara Player experience level: experienced Player play preference: rp-combat
3204 / 3200
Land Area:
4206 sq. miles
Realm Loyalty:
Hunting, Fishing, Trade, Farming, Manufacturing, Administration, Stoneworks
727 gold
52 bushels
Weather Area:
West Badlands
Nothoi Ar Agyr Shattered Vales Irondale Reven New Ar Agyr Exiled Trinity Geographic Details Regions Realms
(pan and zoom map by scroll or touch)

Region Details


Gihalcert is a hard and unforgiving land, sparsely inhabited, with few natural resources. Most of the settlements in the region are found in the vicinity of the great lake, fishing villages having grown up along its shores. Small boats set out from these villages at first light and remain upon the waters until twilight when the fishermen haul in their nets and make for dry land. The women wait for them on the shore with softly glowing lanterns to guide them home, helping the men to land the catch and singing traditional songs while they work by candlelight to gut and salt the fish.

Away from the lake, a few hamlets are spread out around the rest of the region. These are home to hunters who scratch out an existence by catching birds on the wing. Their hunting style is thought to be unique in that they weave exceptionally fine nets that are then loosely hung between poles that can be greater than the height of ten men. Birds, apparently unable to see the fine nets while in flight, become entangled and are then hauled in by the waiting Sky Fishers, as the hunters are called by the lake folk.

Unsurprisingly, given the harsh conditions and hard way of life, the people of Gihalcert have little time for the people of nearby Firbalt, considering them to be tainted by the 'easy living' of the city. Not to mention the dour Gihalcertian disapproval of the taverns, brothels, and markets of the city. Under different circumstances, it might have been expected that Gihalcert parents would encourage their children to seek out a different way of life in the city. But not these people. Once a Gihalcert native is drawn to the city, they are unlikely to be welcomed back to the region's villages or hamlets. The smell of the city upon them, they can expect to have doors and shutters slammed in their faces, shunned by family and friends alike.

November 22, 2017 by Bremer

Statues and Monuments

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