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Ikalak, duchy of Thundering Forges
Local Lord:
Bartrum Prestongreen Player experience level: experienced Player play preference: rp-combat
65739 / 65800
Land Area:
7620 sq. miles
Realm Loyalty:
2539 gold
423 bushels
Weather Area:
Western Plains
Ikalak Sandalak Geographic Details Regions Realms
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Region Details


Taselak is one of the three great cities and scientific nucleus of the island.
Its long history is rich in tales of heroic sieges and mighty commanders, with a very martial culture because of the constant wars that have put the city under great strain.

The hand crafted walls are a sight to behold. The pink granite crenellations are covered in embellishing engravings, which disappear under the chips of wear in the places that have seen combat most often.

This city itself is a cosmopolitan metropolis with very diverse districts from the narrow streets of the slums to the marble pavements surrounding the noble quarters. Many monuments and looming buildings have been built in the city over time, often tied to legendary figures of Taselak whose dreams shaped their realm.
Most predominantly casting their influence on the surrounding architecture and culture, the Alexander Palace is the traditional residence of rulers while the underground Mausoleum is where they find their final rest. The Grand Academy is the pride of Taselak, and teaches the brightest spirits of the island on all subjects, from the liberal arts to martial strategy to obfuscated sciences like Rhiccie warmth-healing.

The common folk are an easy-going people who often look with reverence towards the army: soldiership is one of the highest callings of Taselakian citizenship, one associated with the frequent parades of the army in the streets.
They are highly religious, and generally follow familial traditions at home and the state religion at work.

The western suburbs are generally a poor place to be, toxic from decades of dumping chemical waste and garbage despite the state-of-the-art sanitation system taking advantage of the Taselak river and many underground tunnels.
The areas South and East of the walls are fertile plains with many orchards and good roads allowing trade while the northern wall is the most heavily reinforced and guarded.

May 14, 2022 by Lucius

Statues and Monuments

Statue to Kurlock Lapallanch in Golden Market

A Golden Statue of Holy Kurlock wearing sacred snakes as clothes, in commemoration of Sandalak's victory over the Fifth War Island. On the pedestal plaque read the names of the nobility who achieved victory under Sandalak's banner on July 25, 2016.

Oldest Sandalakians From Day One: Domingo Magdalen, Zlatan Mersault as Duke, Fern Leroux, Isenthorpe Tezokian as Wyvern Warlord, Sandar Merrinoff, Webin Clipt, Alexei Dolohov as Lord Raven, James Bathgate, Orr Blackmore
Other Faithful Sandalakians: Logan Fontaine, Nori Yamato, Misty Ketchum, Aleck Prestongreen, Enkimahru Dragoness as Griffin Ghost, Guiltannon Artwaltz, Kierdynos Karstark, Giulietta Mozzoni, Evelyn Winterwind, Ivan Rasthaven, Kanya Jimenez, Sheamus O'Sullivan, Jane Fletcher Chamberlain as Pythia, Viserion Salvatore, Sarpedon Commagene, Artemis Flame, Riley Puckett, Isabella D'Anglos, Wukong Dulcis, Jo deLacy, Kenneth Keithanas, Lucio Jared, Torain Aurelius, Jose Antonio de Proelium Dominus, Bryce Moore, Roland Kessler, Oracle Sworde, Crimson Strika, Bo Dodger, Swidden Geg, Manfried Jr Von Lunkhofen, Alparslan Kalkandelen, Hunter Maximoff, Inha Into Cosula, Matthias Wittsven, Cyperus Sarracenia, Ossama Ossan, Duncan Rea, Earandil Edain, Nicholas Cheung, Vengeful Warchief, Istarion JeVondair, Rector Vermiculus, Sumar Druezar, Drugi Andrasta, Halvard Janssen, Zidane Soulja, Tilhuon Lamia, Phineas Castillo, Bronko II von Lucker, Felix Kuriga, Ramm Truump

Statue to Alexei Dolohov in Syndicate Stock Exchange

A black iron statue of Alexei Dolohov as Lord Raven. He stands before three hooded figures: one cowers with thin hands raised against an invisible foe; the second hunches over a scales filled with tiny soldiers in each balanced pan; the third stands upright gesticulating with one hand and holding in its other a book marked "WAR POEMS".

                ALEXEI DOLOHOV

erected by Harp of Abundance Alexei Dolohov from Taselak

Statue to Black Shield in Syndicate Industrial Quarter

A Golden Statue of the Black Shield army dressed as cows, wielding attack bananas, in commemoration of Taselak's victory over the Sixth War Island. On the pedestal plaque read the names of the nobility who achieved victory under Taselak's banner on April 6, 2017.

Twice Victors: Domingo Magdalen, Zlatan Mersault as Sword of Justice, Alparslan Kalkandelen as Shield King, James Bathgate, Logan Fontaine, Ivan Rasthaven, Kanya Jimenez, Hunter Maximoff as Duke, Rector Vermiculus, Bo Dodger, Matthias Wittsven, Swidden Geg, Jo deLacy, Lucio Jared, Torain Aurelius, Nicholas Cheung, Vengeful Warchief, Bronko II von Lucker, Ramm Truump
Victors: Guldec II Adam, Hedgar Wader, Amuro II Kuriga, Tyrun Ploberman, Zarrah Plaraveen, Syndee Maxwell, Wulfric Rhicling ka Habb as War Hammer, Iris Ketchum, Hector Gary, Nordir Harkle, Haroldo Bowker, Lucy Greyson, Tulvir Pileran, Baé Ingénue, Scein Dubhaine, Praedonum Attano, Ardisio Sarracenia as Harp of Abundance, Ammer Soul, Achton Goldhammer, Isolde Whyte, Mellimeldisiel Aeglosseth, Ryna Starfall, Manfried Von Lunkhofen, Onama Ossan, Bartholemeu Arcturius, Joannalee Jim, Zakkery Kessler, Poppy Coombs Coldwater, Pavel Oblomov, Smith Puckett, Chalstoy Cryson, Owen Reginald, Pencaster Hycines, Scar Mayforce, Isacc Flame, Augustus Tice, Thorwald Vigilante, Noiram Kah, Megatron Siri AllSpark, Fleur Warlord

Statue to Alexander Daubeny in Governor's Estate

A silver statue depicting Emperor Alexander Daubeny of Grand Empire of Taselak in a baleful pose. Given as a gift after the construction of a new palace.

erected by Art Studio of Taselak

Statue to Fruit Bowl in Syndicate Agricultural District

A Golden Statue of a Fruit Bowl containing bananas, grapes, mangoes, watermelons, amongst many other fruits, in commemoration of Taselak's victory over the Seventh War Island. On the pedestal plaque read the names of the nobility who achieved victory under Taselak's banner on July 25, 2021.

Twice Victors: Iris Ketchum, Scein Dubhaine as Champion
Victors: Edward Richard Solis, Eero De La Fere, Graccus Gabanus, Raymond Feral, Rev Greer as Duke, Armitage IV D'Anglos as Mithril Sword of Justice, Daniel Aurell, Bronko III von Lucker, Joselyn Hensley, Carac Hawk, Wulfric Halfhand ka Habb, Noah Lawson, Sepia Snodaert as Duke, Chronas Arylon as Duke, Lennox MacArbin, Navron Admyr, Xiddithous von Hammersmark, Réexamine Rainhorse, Winnie de Arceneaux, Vahx Townsend, Amadis Camlann as Silver Hammer of War, Lucius Pemrose as Hidden Hand of the Emerald Harp, Fenella Elderwood, Bors Peregrine, Aria Leather, Sol McGahee, Morituros Aurelle, Ahmadkin Imad Khader, Bravos Bayemvee, Braam Finch, Arinos Astra, Magni Vulparan, Big Rob Auton, Manasseh Zdra'sin Solicix, Bartolo Padovan, Col Kubo, Jinx Tempest, Therese Gillotine, Kappi Aksala, Asta Madstone, Sven Aginharu, Javert Fate

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