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Ikalak, duchy of the Obsidian Oak Groves
Local Lord:
Aria Leather Player experience level: mentor Player play preference: combat
4922 / 4900
Land Area:
12062 sq. miles
Realm Loyalty:
519 gold
111 bushels
Weather Area:
East Plains
Ikalak Sandalak Geographic Details Regions Realms
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Region Details


Unagae is a densely wooded region to the south of Ikalak city. It's North and West border a large, rapid flowing river. It's forests and undergrowth grow right until the cliffs break down onto a narrow, rock strewn beach. The rivers waters are plentiful with fish in the summer, and some locals are fishermen, spending the day under the hot sun on the rapid currents of the river.

Most locals avoid the river and harsh coastline though. Many small villages are strewn around the forest, usually never more then ten to twelve buildings. These locals attempt to grow crops on the occasional clearing, with some success. Most locals follow the profession of lumberjacks, chopping trees and clearing undergrowth, to sell the wood to the southernmost regions of the South Island, were wood is scarcer. The sold wood is transported with ferries along the South Islands east coast.

Unagae features a small, sturdy castle of black stone near the center of the woods. Amidst a large clearing, this is were the region's Lord usually resides. The castle is known among peasants as Blackrock Castle, and has survived many decades, if not centuries, of war. A small mansion resides at the southernmost tip of Unagae, on the only significant plains of the region. This has been the home of many a nobleman, and the town clustered around the mansion is one of Unagaes largest.

???Unagaes wildlife is mostly deer and wild boar in the forests, though a significant amount of Wildcats find their home among the trees as well. Also, as of last summer, a pack of wolves had settled down not to far from Blackrock Castle. Mockingbirds like to live at Unagae during the winter months.

The local beliefs circle around pagan folklore of animal gods and the God of forests, with livestock sacrifices and large fires at the Samhain celebrations in late October, to thank the gods for the summer behind them. Daimons are the common embodiment of evil.

November 1, 2020 by Trogadon

Statues and Monuments

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