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Sandalak, duchy of Kerfort Towers
6019 / 6900
Land Area:
22304 sq. miles
Realm Loyalty:
735 gold
85 bushels
Weather Area:
South Desert
Ikalak Sandalak Geographic Details Regions Realms
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Region Details


A mostly desolate region, where the peasants are worked to the bone to get every last coin to fund the war effort.

The permafrost and biting wind do not favor crops, and so the Rhiccies rely on ancestral techniques which use the frozen ocean as an ally for fishing, and hike in the vast uncharted network of underground caves.

The icy, barren mountains of Rhic seem to emerge from the sea itself and stand next to (and sometimes directly above) treacherous crevices covered in snow that swallow their share of commoners every year. An occasional professor from the academy of Taselak will comment on the intriguing geography of the place, predict the rise and fall of the mountains, and warn the people about possible volcanoes, but they remain skeptic, and prefer to focus on surviving the harsh weather.
A few hot sources are the only source of prosperity of the region and a small House of Healing teaches its students how to treat their patients by reshaping the course of their fluids, fevers and warmth.

Two rival Scout Guilds send expeditions to explore the caves beneath the mountains --as regularly as they look for fresh recruits.
The cicerones of the region will occasionally tour merchants up in the mountains, in the search of a rare flower or the legendary Squiby, a cute little warm-blooded ball of hair of which anyone can give a description, but everyone has yet to bring back a live specimen.

Even though worked like slaves, the people of Rhic know that once the war comes to an end the Lord will give them free reign to become wealthy themselves and prosper, or so they have been propagandad to believe :
Bicker and traditionally suspicious of strangers, the Rhiccies are cold and sharp shaped by the elements in the manner of their skin tanned by the blinding light of the mountains.

January 2, 2021 by Lucius

Statues and Monuments

Monument to Enforcer Lady Sofia de Lancelot in Pickle Rhic Farms

This monument dedicated to forever Enforcer of Sandalak, Lady Sofia of Rhic. After being betrayed by group of corruption government, she was force to step down and remove from lordship of Rhic.
She continue her career in north, with Ikalak in hope the people of Sandalak may know the truth about the corruption of current government, like Rhicalak people who now swear to come with Lady Sofia to north.

erected by Dame Sofia De Lancelot from The Bloodied Empire of Sandalak

Statue to Sofia De Lancelot in Rhic Rolls Industries

This memorial dedicated to Lady Sofia of Rhic, of her services as governor of Rhic and Enforcer of Sandalak starting year 2016.

erected by Dame Sofia De Lancelot from The Bloodied Empire of Sandalak

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