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396 / 5500
Land Area:
2660 sq. miles
Realm Loyalty:
Logging, Farming, Hunting, Manufacturing, Trade, Administration, Stoneworks
329 gold
123 bushels
Weather Area:
South Highlands
Perdan Sirion Caligus Eponllyn Perleone Shadowdale Geographic Details Regions Realms
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Region Details


Enubec was once a thriving crossroads between Xavax and the inland cities, providing plenty of timber for building projects as well as a steady supply of barley for baking or beer. As a result, several distinct villages formed, their autonomy made possible by the trade constantly coming through the lumberyards and farms. Since Xavax and Itorunt have frozen entirely, it is increasingly becoming a backwater region on the fringe of society.

The majority of the population once resided in the South and on the coast, but since the freezing began the ocean-fishing industry has all but stopped, and farming communities have been forced further up into the hills. The smarter farmers have started growing different crops more resistant to cold and able to thrive in the rockier ground of the slopes.

However, the colder temperatures have their advantages, too. The increase in snowfall swells the rivers, resulting in more fish, more easily caught with net due to the faster currents. The river fishing industry has thrived. The snow also makes hunting easier, as Enubec's larger animals stand out visibly against the white snow, their energy sapped from the cold.  

Logging in Enubec is not just an industry, but also a way of life. In the middle of each village in Enubec, the tallest tree that the villagers can find within the forest has been turned into a flagpole. Some believe this was done so that traveling caravans could easily find their destinations before there were good roads, but no one really knows why is began for sure. These poles are often easily 300-400 handspans or more in height with the oldest villages in the region sometimes topping 500 handspans. Into the poles are carved the village's totems and the history of their founding. Relocated villages are already carving new poles, despite the difficulties.

March 22, 2014 by Furious II

Statues and Monuments

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