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Shadowdale, duchy of Spider's Throne
Local Lord:
Lorenzo Falconi Player experience level: experienced Player play preference: rp-combat
22200 / 22200
Land Area:
963 sq. miles
Realm Loyalty:
Manufacturing, Trade, Fishing, Administration, Farming, Stoneworks
1011 gold
260 bushels
Weather Area:
East Coast
Perdan Sirion Caligus Eponllyn Perleone Shadowdale Geographic Details Regions Realms
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Region Details


Karbala is situated at the very west, a coastal region which shares the northren climate type from its neighbour regions added to a hint of salty water from the sea. Karbala's economy is famous by it's manifactures, exotic spices and exotic animals. The most famous of all is Karbala's purple wine just a sip to induce psychodelic effects, common folk say you can actually see the music that is being played as color sprays dancing in mid air.

The city is divided in four districts, that do not always match with the division of estates. The first one and the biggest is the district of  the Market. The district has some popular places as the Royal Street, which is the richer place of the district and the Great Square, wherein there are the most important trades of the city.

The district of the Palaces is the center of management of the city. There are two magnificent palaces there. Firstly, the Grey Palace was built by the elves from a massive rock fell from the sky, common folk said it was the god's wrath to throw a rock at mankind. Secondly, the Lunar Palace resembles many fortresses of the East Continent in its triple arrangement as a castle, a palace and a residential annex for subordinates. In its watchtower, known as the Blue Candle Tower, there is a large cauldron with a blue flame that never stops burning.

In the district of The Royal Port of the Twilight, many ships and products arrive and leave everyday. Although there are many trades there, it is the poorest district in the city.

The district of letters is the main point of teaching and cultural exchange of the city. There are many colleges of history, law, medicine, astronomy that are within the Grey University of Karbala. just theology is taught in the Cathedral of the Shadow. Another point of interest in the district is the High Park of the Fallen, built during the Great War between the northern realms and the southern realms.


April 27, 2019 by Lindow

Statues and Monuments

Monument to The Mayhem Family in The Royal Port of the Twilight

As long as there is shadow there will be Mayhem.<br />&nbsp;

erected by Spider Queen Luciferase Mayhem from Shadowdale

Statue to Lindow Moonsun in The Royal Port of the Twilight

Gold sculpture of the Shadow King Lindow Moonsun located in the middle of the access stairs to the Grey Palace. He is represented sitting on a throne with a crown, armor and holding a sword with his right hand and a ball with his left. The sword means power, the armor means that he has had a warlike reign, and the ball means that he has made many conquests during his reign. At his feet is the following phrase: RISE SHADOWDALE RISE

erected by Knight Lindow Moonsun of The Constitutional Monarchy of Shadowdale

Statue to Roen Solicix in The Market District

A masterwork marble statue entitled: The Breaker of Shadows
The stone likeness of Roen Solicix is a marvelous likeness of the tall man. It wears a serious look on its face, and its stone eyes seem to see through anyone who steps within their gaze. One hand rests lightly on the hilt of a sheathed sword; the other holds a bundle of scrolls.

erected by Duke Edmund Calder of Kingdom of Caligus

Statue to Edmund Calder in The Palaces District

A large granite statue of Edmund Calder stands regally upon a column, easily recognized by his less than average height and broad muscled frame. In his hands is his mighty broadsword, the tip embedded in the stone before him. His bushy beard and signature bear fur coat are expertly carved to appear soft enough to move in the breeze. Although his features are stoic, laugh lines are evident near his gentle eyes.
A bronze plaque is at eye level:
Edmund Calder, Champion of Ainanism
In Shadowdale, he held titles such as Shadow King, Grey Exarch, Tormentor, Cauldron Master, Royal Duke and Margrave

erected by Duke Edmund Calder of Kingdom of Caligus

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