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This player's account has been deleted, but records of their family's time on Battlemaster remain. Alas, the family's surname has been lost to history.

Date Character Name Event
2011-11-08 Frederick Began his career in Barca.
2011-11-08 Calen Began his career in Outer Tilog.
2012-01-01 Frederick Elected as Senator of Celtiberia
2012-05-07 Frederick Banned from Barca by Arthoor Mandin.
Reason: For sustained military failures, his continued disregard for the laws and official offices of Barca and failure to pay fines issued by the Lord Justice within a reasonable time-frame, Frederick is no lo
2012-09-07 Calen Elected as Baron of Pirht
2013-02-09 Calen Banned from Outer Tilog by Vladamire Abjur.
Reason: Failure to follow orders and protesting a former Minister of Injustice for doing his job. My memory is long, and I don't forget. Goodbye.
2013-02-12 Calen Joined the realm of (rogue)
2013-02-12 Calen Became a rogue
2013-02-12 Calen Joined the realm of Lukon.
2013-03-28 Frederick Appointed as Judge of Aurvandil.
2013-03-28 Frederick Appointed as Judge of Aurvandil
2013-04-04 Maximillian Began his career in Lyonesse.