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This player's account has been deleted, but records of their family's time on Battlemaster remain. Alas, the family's surname has been lost to history.

Date Character Name Event
2010-11-12 Roman Began his career in Fontan.
2010-11-12 Thrace Began his career in Ordenstaat.
2010-11-15 Parthia Began a life of adventure in Diocese of Aix.
2010-12-24 Armenia Began his career in Thulsoma.
2011-03-07 Armenia Joined the realm of Averoth
2011-07-19 Macedon Began his career in Aurvandil.
2011-08-30 Parthia Joined the realm of Fontan
2011-08-30 Parthia Started a new career in Fontan.
2012-02-26 0 Killed by the undead
2012-02-26 Parthia Character retired
2012-02-26 Parthia Retired at age 30
2012-02-28 Thrace Joined the realm of Terran
2012-02-28 Thrace Started a new career in Terran.
2012-03-13 Thrace Immigrated to East Continent.
2012-03-15 Thrace Joined the realm of Armonía
2012-09-09 Roman Joined the realm of Armonía
2012-09-09 Roman Started a new career in Armonía.