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This player's account has been deleted, but records of their family's time on Battlemaster remain. Alas, the family's surname has been lost to history.

Date Character Name Event
2010-02-14 Marec Began his career in Suville.
2010-02-15 Dallian Began his career in Darka.
2010-02-15 Verdun Began his career in D'Hara.
2010-03-19 Verdun Immigrated to East Continent.
2010-03-21 Verdun Joined the realm of Sirion
2010-06-28 Marec Immigrated to Dwilight.
2010-06-29 Marec Joined the realm of Aquilegia
2010-07-31 Dallian Immigrated to East Continent.
2010-08-01 Dallian Joined the realm of Sirion
2010-08-05 Marec Appointed as Judge of Aquilegia.
2010-08-05 Marec Appointed as Judge of Aquilegia
2010-08-16 Verdun Elected as Count of Dale
2010-08-21 Marec Elected as Banker in Aquilegia.
2010-08-22 Marec Stepped down as Banker.
2010-08-22 Marec Appointed as Viscount of Fatexna.
2010-09-23 Frederique Began a life of adventure in Avalon.
2010-11-02 Marec Elected as Banker in Aquilegia.
2010-11-05 Marec Elected as General in Aquilegia.
2010-11-09 Dallian Banned from Fontan by Gabriella.
Reason: Captured as a lowly saboteur
2010-11-19 Frederique Retired at age 22
2010-12-03 Marec Appointed as Viscount of Turbul.
2010-12-13 Marec Appointed as Banker of Aquilegia.
2010-12-13 Marec Appointed as Banker of Aquilegia
2010-12-17 Marec Stepped down from local lordship position.
2010-12-17 Marec Appointed as Marquess of Flow.
2011-01-10 Verdun Elected as Count of Glinmar
2011-01-10 Marec Stepped down from local lordship position.
2011-01-15 Marec Joined the realm of Morek Empire
2011-03-16 Dallian Appointed as Count of Hillmar.
2011-03-17 Dallian Appointed as Count of Hillmar.
2011-03-26 Dallian Appointed as Count of Hillmar.
2011-03-27 Dallian Appointed as Count of Hillmar.
2011-03-28 Dallian Appointed as Count of Hillmar.
2011-07-20 Dallian Immigrated to Atamara.
2011-07-22 Dallian Joined the realm of Darka
2011-07-28 Marec Immigrated to Beluaterra.
2011-07-29 Marec Joined the realm of Enweil
2011-08-04 Tobias Began his career in Sirion.
2011-08-05 Marec Joined the realm of Imperskoe Viys'ko iz Fheuv'na
2011-08-06 Marec Appointed as Count of Pequad.
2011-08-06 Marec Appointed as Judge of Imperskoe Viys'ko iz Fheuv'na.
2011-08-06 Marec Appointed as Judge of Imperskoe Viys'ko iz Fheuv'na
2011-08-18 Tobias Immigrated to Beluaterra.
2011-08-18 Dallian Immigrated to East Continent.
2011-08-19 Dallian Joined the realm of Sirion
2011-08-20 Tobias Joined the realm of Imperskoe Viys'ko iz Fheuv'na
2011-09-13 Dallian Appointed as Count of Hillmar.
2011-09-14 Verdun Appointed as Banker of Sirion.
2011-09-14 Verdun Appointed as Banker of Sirion
2011-10-27 Marec Elected as Banker in Imperskoe Viys'ko iz Fheuv'na.
2011-11-18 Marec Elected as Judge in Imperskoe Viys'ko iz Fheuv'na.
2011-11-20 Verdun Appointed as Banker of Sirion.
2011-11-20 Verdun Appointed as Banker of Sirion
2011-12-05 Marec Elected as General in Imperskoe Viys'ko iz Fheuv'na.
2011-12-11 Marec Stepped down as General.
2012-01-05 Marec Elected as Judge in Imperskoe Viys'ko iz Fheuv'na.
2012-01-25 Marec Elected as Senator of Fheuvenem
2012-01-28 Marec Founded the religion "The Way".
2012-02-05 Marec Elected as Judge in Imperskoe Viys'ko iz Fheuv'na.
2012-02-27 Dallian Immigrated to Beluaterra.
2012-02-29 Dallian Joined the realm of Imperskoe Viys'ko iz Fheuv'na
2012-03-15 Dallian Elected as Senator of Wheling
2012-03-23 0 Banned from Netherworld by Overlord.
Reason: Captured as a lowly saboteur
2012-04-04 Dallian Elected as Senator of Wheling
2012-04-08 Marec Elected as Ruler of Imperskoe Viys'ko iz Fheuv'na
2012-04-08 Marec Elected as Judge of Imperskoe Viys'ko iz Fheuv'na
2012-04-22 Marec Stepped down from rulership.
2012-05-09 Marec Joined the realm of Riombara.
2012-05-10 Arturo Began his career in Sirion.
2012-05-11 Verdun Appointed as Banker of Sirion.
2012-05-11 Verdun Appointed as Banker of Sirion
2012-05-11 Dallian Joined the realm of Riombara.
2012-05-30 Marec Elected as Baron of Tsamn
2012-06-02 Verdun Stepped down as Banker.
2012-06-08 Dallian Immigrated to East Continent.
2012-06-10 Dallian Joined the realm of Sirion
2012-06-21 Verdun Elected as Margrave of Karbala
2012-06-22 Verdun Stepped down from local lordship position.
2012-07-02 Marec Elected as Baron of Tsamn
2012-08-10 Marec Elected as Baron of Glongin
2012-08-20 Arturo Character retired
2012-08-21 Arturo Retired at age 19
2012-08-21 Tobias Character retired
2012-08-22 Tobias Retired at age 25
2012-10-10 Marec Elected as Viscount of Glongin
2012-12-25 Dallian Character died
2012-12-26 Dallian Died at age 42
2012-12-26 Tobias Began a life of adventure in Caligus.
2013-02-15 Tobias Character died
2013-02-15 Arturo Began his career in Sirion.
2013-02-16 Tobias Died at age 21
2013-02-17 Tobius Began his career in Coria.
2013-04-06 Tobius Immigrated to Beluaterra.
2013-04-08 Verdun Died in a duel against Armstrong.
2013-04-08 Verdun Character retired
2013-04-08 Tobius Joined the realm of Riombara
2013-04-09 Verdun Retired at age 42
2013-04-11 Sylvus Began his career in Nivemus.
2013-04-27 Tobius Elected as Viscount of Elloranaal
2013-05-23 Sylvus Appointed as Baron of Pedrera.
2013-05-27 Arturo Appointed as Count of Limbar.
2013-06-24 Marec Appointed as Viscount of Glongin.
2013-08-28 Sylvus Appointed as Baron of Pedrera.
2013-09-01 Arturo Appointed as Count of Limbar.
2013-09-01 Marec Appointed as Duke of Fheuvenem.
2013-09-03 Tobius Elected as Viscount of Elloranaal
2013-09-05 Marec Elected as Viscount of Tsamn
2013-09-06 Sylvus Elected as Banker of Nivemus
2013-09-13 Zilio Began a life of adventure in Corsanctum.
2013-10-11 Tobius Elected as Viscount of Pequad
2013-10-11 Marec Stepped down from local lordship position.
2013-10-14 Marec Appointed as Earl of Iato.
2013-10-18 Sylvus Elected as Banker of Nivemus
2013-11-06 Marec Seceded from Riombara and founded Ivory Vale of Fheuvenem.
2013-11-06 Marec Banned from Riombara.
Reason: Seceded from the realm as Duke of Fheuvenem
2013-11-06 Tobius Joined the realm of Ivory Vale of Fheuvenem.
2013-11-06 Marec Constructed a magnificent palace.
2013-11-06 Zilio Character died
2013-11-08 Marec Ban from Riombara lifted by Margret.
2013-11-10 Tobius Elected as Judge of Ivory Vale of Fheuvenem
2013-11-14 Tobius Elected as Banker of Ivory Vale of Fheuvenem
2013-11-17 Tobius Joined the realm of Riombara.
2013-11-18 Marec Stepped down from rulership.
2013-11-18 Marec Joined the realm of Riombara.
2013-12-11 Tobius Elected as Viscount of Elloranaal
2014-01-02 Arturo Appointed as Count of Limbar.