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Player Name: Scott Holmes Player experience level: experienced Player play preference: rp-combat
User ID:29334
Country: Canada
Timezone: GMT -5 (Eastern Time (US/Canada), Bogota, Lima, Quito)
Native language:english
English skills:good
Website: (none)
Motto: (none)





ap Gaenvan Family
Home: Donghai
Fame: 34
Wealth: 3000
Character Age Sex Continent Realm Class Prestige Honour Titles
Gaenm137 yearsmaleEast Continent(rogue)Warrior1221Noble
Azreal139 yearsmaleEast ContinentSirionWarrior45314Noble
Gaenv88 yearsmaleColoniesPortionWarrior2996Noble
Sordros106 yearsmaleDwilightLuria NovaWarrior725Noble
Arvid66 yearsmaleDwilightAvenorCourtier30160Noble

Commoner Claimants

Adventurers are not acknowledged family members. A noble should expect serious backlash for claiming a commoner relative and protest heavily any other noble claiming a common relation. You are encouraged to read further on Adventurer Roleplaying.

Character Age Sex Continent Realm Prestige Honour
Hevgir the Mute51 yearsmaleColoniesPortion35

Retired Characters / Family Graveyard

Hevgir the Mute332020-11-111019
Hevgir The Mute232018-09-05612

Short History of this family:

(alternate views: full history, medium history)
Date Character Name Event
2009-10-12 Azerax Began his career in Barony of Makar.
2009-12-02 Azreal Began his career in Barony of Makar.
2010-02-14 Gaenm Began a life of adventure in Fontan.
2010-11-02 Azerx Began his career in Fontan.
2011-12-18 Azerx Character retired
2011-12-19 Azerx Retired at age 28
2011-12-19 Azerax Character retired
2011-12-21 Azeral Began his career in Eston.
2011-12-23 Azerax Retired at age 36
2012-10-18 Azerax Began a life of adventure in Solaria.
2013-07-27 Sordros Began his career in Luria Nova.
2014-05-24 Azerax Began his career in Ikalak.
2015-12-10 Azeral Emigrated to Dwilight
2015-12-13 Azreal Emigrated to East Continent
2015-12-31 Azerax Emigrated to Beluaterra
2015-12-31 Gaenv Began his career in The Electorate of Minas Thalion.
2016-05-20 Azerax Character buried
2016-07-02 Sordros Began a life of adventure in Spearhold.
2017-01-11 Sordros Executed by High Tribune Bi?o zi Puff
2017-01-11 Sordros Character buried
2017-01-12 Hevgir Began a life of adventure in Shattered Vales.
2017-06-01 Hevgir Killed by the undead
2017-06-03 Hevgir Character buried
2018-04-20 Hevgir The Mute Began a life of adventure in Helyg Derwyddon.
2018-07-16 Azeral Killed as a hero in battle at age 72
2018-07-17 Azeral Character buried
2018-07-17 Arvid Began his career in Avernus.
2018-09-05 Hevgir The Mute Killed while fighting Monsters
2018-09-05 Hevgir The Mute Character buried
2019-03-15 Hevgir the Mute Began a life of adventure in Lukon.
2020-11-09 Hevgir the Mute Killed while fighting Undead
2020-11-11 Hevgir the Mute Character buried
2020-11-12 Hevgir the Mute Began a life of adventure in Portion.