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Player Page

Player Name: William Slyke Player experience level: experienced Player play preference: rp-combat
User ID:25986
Country: Taiwan
Timezone: GMT +8 (Irkutsk, Beijing, Hong Kong, Singapore, Taipei, Perth)
Native language:english
English skills:good
Website: (none)
Motto: (none)





Apasurain Family
Home: Unterstrom Vorstadt
Fame: 33
Wealth: 1214
Character Age Sex Continent Realm Class Prestige Honour Titles
Sundar141 yearsmaleEast ContinentPerleoneWarrior1663Noble
Akrogath128 yearsmaleBeluaterraNothoiWarrior/Hero28247Noble
Thrull79 yearsmaleBeluaterra(rogue)Warrior1228Noble
Glaumring159 yearsmaleDwilightD'HaraWarrior15248Noble

Commoner Claimants

Adventurers are not acknowledged family members. A noble should expect serious backlash for claiming a commoner relative and protest heavily any other noble claiming a common relation. You are encouraged to read further on Adventurer Roleplaying.

Character Age Sex Continent Realm Prestige Honour
Thul129 yearsmaleDwilightLuria Nova1322

Retired Characters / Family Graveyard


Short History of this family:

(alternate views: full history, medium history)
Date Character Name Event
2008-05-23 Glaumring Began his career in Melodia.
2008-05-23 Silogathk Began his career in Soliferum.
2008-05-23 Balgathled Began his career in Arcachon.
2009-12-18 Silok Executed by Viracocha.
2009-12-18 Silok Character deleted
2009-12-19 Silok Retired at age 32
2009-12-19 Sundar Began his career in Darka.
2010-07-09 Balgathled Killed as a hero in battle at age 37
2010-07-09 Balgathled Character retired
2010-07-10 Balgathled Retired at age 37
2010-07-11 Thulsa Began a life of adventure in Riombara.
2010-09-25 Hydramoth Began his career in Arcaea.
2010-09-26 Thulsa Executed by Cimmerian.
2010-09-26 Thulsa Character retired
2010-09-27 Xanadar Began a life of adventure in Bara'Khur.
2010-09-27 Thulsa Retired at age 21
2010-09-29 Hydramoth Character retired
2010-09-29 Hydramoth Retired at age 17
2010-11-16 Xanadar Character retired
2010-11-17 Xanadar Retired at age 21
2010-11-17 Akrogath Began his career in Cathay.
2010-12-17 Thul Began a life of adventure in D'Hara.
2014-05-22 Thulsa Began his career in Taselak.
2015-12-12 Sundar Emigrated to East Continent
2016-12-15 Thrull Began his career in Spearhold.