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Recent Changes May 2024 - posted on Thu May 30 at 16:00:43 by Timothy Collett

Major Changes
  • A "PvE" mode has been added which allows me to mark an island as being unaffected by alliance bloc restrictions for the purpose of fighting against NPC foes
  • A new option for "capital chat" has been added, which allows any noble to stand in the capital of another realm and message the entire realm—and allows any noble of the realm to send a message to the realm plus any foreign nobles standing in the capital
Read on for minor changes and bugfixes!

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Recent Changes March 2024 - posted on Thu Mar 28 at 12:00:08 by Timothy Collett

Highlights: Added purely-RP Cultural Diplomacy options, removed Hatred diplomatic status, and improved population recovery in very depleted regions. 

For the details and other changes, click below!

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Wiki Login Issues Resolved - posted on Fri Mar 1 at 11:43:36 by Timothy Collett

For those of you who frequent the Wiki, you may have been frustrated by issues with it logging you out or claiming your session broke when trying to edit pages. I was just informed of this yesterday, and was able to track down several misconfigured server settings that may have been the culprit and fix them. It appears to now be working much better now. As usual, if you do still experience session issues when editing the Wiki, please contact me, either on the BattleMaster Discord as Delvin Anaris or by email at

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Server Errors - Resolved - posted on Sat Dec 30 at 09:30:28 by Timothy Collett

Update: The server errors turned out to be permission errors (how did those crop up overnight? No idea). Everything should now be fixed.

As many have already noticed, there are currently server errors preventing access to the game. I am working on tracking them down; however, this is made much more difficult by the fact that the game doesn't seem to want to tell me what caused them.

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Two New Features - posted on Mon Apr 10 at 13:20:30 by Timothy Collett

Today I am sending live two new (smallish) features:
  • A Rumours feature, which will, over time, aggregate various of the tidbits of information that get thrown around into one place. For now, you will only see these rumours show up in the turn change messages (if there are any to hear about); however, shortly, once there are enough to start populating the system (and so no one wastes their hours on trying before then), I will enable ways for most characters to seek them out. These will appear on the Actions page.
  • The ability to set a custom background colour for filters (aka tabs) in the New Message System. At present, this only allows for simple flat colours; however, in future, I hope to be able to offer some different patterns, as well.

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