And here is Irombro! Let's take a moment and look at what we're seeing.
First of all, there are some units labeled (militia/guards). These are militia units, which remain stationary in a region and are not controlled by any player. They do not move, but they do fight when attacked. Because this is a trained scout report, you get an estimate of the Combat Strength of each of the units in that region. This estimate is invaluable when planning military campaigns, and so scouting is a very important function which all nobles can perform.
Notice also at the bottom that Rasputin now has only 7 hours available to him -- debriefing the scout took one hour of his time for this turn.

Now that we know that Irombro is safe, let's travel there. Click on the Travel link on the left menu bar.

Your scout returns with the following information:

, duchy of Irombro

Type:   City
Location:   coast
Fortifications:   Fortress (5)
Fort. Damage:   33 %
Local Lord:   Delvin
Population:   26369
Production:   99 %
Morale:   96 %
Realm Loyalty:   97 %
Realm Control:   Main
Gold:   1002 gold
Food:   88 bushels
Weather area:   East Islands

Troops in this region

Unit Commander Realm Troop Size Troop Type ca. CS Status
Roseguard Delvin Riombara 23 men Special Forces 600 dug in
City Guard (militia/guards) Riombara 25 men Infantry 350 dug in
Irombro's swordman (militia/guards) Riombara 24 men Infantry 350 dug in
Woody Archer (militia/guards) Riombara 22 men Archers 350 dug in
Diarmada (militia/guards) Riombara 22 men Infantry 350 dug in

Total Troops: 116 men (ca. 2000 combat strength)
(22 Archers, 71 Infantry, 23 Special Forces)

Rasputin Rueffilo The A-Team
7 hours / 2 (+219) gold 80 men, Archers